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I felt myself irk at his words, opening the door as I stepped out to see Shoto again. I slammed the door behind me, Katsuki and Izuku resuming their undressing. Shoto was leaned against the wall, his eyes lowly going over me, a soft smirk pulled at his lips.

"What kind of friends say they want to fuck each other?" I snapped at him.

"We're friends?"

"Classmates," I rolled my eyes. "We all like each other in a way, you said. Who likes each other in a way that they say they want to fuck?"

"You want to fuck me?"

"Shoto," I shut my eyes, taking in a breath.

"Mhm," he hummed, his eyes moving over me and I could feel my temperature rising again.

"Well?" I urged him to speak, needing an answer from him.

"You leave me speechless when you're in my shirt."

"Shoto, that's not what I meant," I sighed, trying to push away the amount my confidence shot up from his words.

"I said what I said," he shrugged, standing straight up. "Interpret my words as you please."

I was left gawking at him, the urge to strangle him strong.

"You didn't answer directly or clear anything up," I pointed out.

"Isn't that the point?" He raised a brow, stepping towards me.

"Oh, no," I stepped back. "We are not doing this again."

"Doing what? I was only walking back to my room, and assuming that's where you'll be staying too, why not go together?"


I found it suddenly difficult to think straight when he said things with double meanings.

"Your mind races quite far," he chuckled quietly.

"Don't give me that fucking bullshit when you were the one who-"

"-who what?" He turned to me, halting in his steps. "Who had you pushed up against the wall between their body five minutes ago?"

I blinked, unable to follow where his train of thoughts went. One moment he was saying he wanted to go back to his room and the next he's talking like he wanna fuck. And my mother says I'm indecisive.

"Shoto, wh-"

"I love when you say my name," he cut in, my throat feeling tight when he bit his bottom lip. "Right, so back to my room we go," he turned back around, walking down the hall and I felt like smacking his ass.

Not- his actual ass, just smacking him- and fuck. Now I'm thinking about his ass.

He did have a pretty nice ass though, that I had to admit. I'm sure it'd look better if he bent ove-

"You coming or going to stand in the hall? Did you forget something in your room?"

I quickly snapped my gaze off of his ass when he turned around to talk to me.

"Yeah," I breathed out and he blinked at me.

"Yeah what? I asked like three different things, I need three different answers."

"I'm coming, not going to stand in the hall, and no," I jogged up to him to shorten the distance between us as we resumed walking to his room.

Was I really just overthinking everything between us? Maybe he was just trying to get inside my head. He probably just likes to tease others with that irritating small smirk of his.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now