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"Let's go and see your mom today."

I saw Shoto's head turn to me with my words and he raised a brow.

"You sure you're ready for that?"

"Yeah, I don't want to keep her waiting too long," I laughed nervously. "It has been weeks since she asked anyways, so let's not put it off anymore," I suggested and he nodded.

"I'll call Fuyumi and see if she's with mom or not," he got up and I went to shower.

Halfway through my shower, I realized my clothes were back in my room, only my uniform in Shoto's room.

"Shoto," I called out, tying the towel around myself after I had rinsed my hair.


"My clothes are in my room," I stepped out to explain the situation to him. "I'm going to get them and get dressed, okay? I won't be lon-"

"You can just wear one of my shirts."

"I'm meeting your mother, that's absolutely ridiculous."

"Midoriya is with Bakugo at the moment."

"They're gay, it doesn't matter."

"They're probably having sex and you're going to walk in with a towel on?"

"I need my clothes."

"I have plenty of shirts."

"Shoto, no."

"Shoto, yes."


"Shoto, what the fuck."

"I think you look great."

"Don't look so smug, you dick. I should look decent when I meet your mom, this is unbelievable. I can't believe you've done this."

"It's like you're wearing a dress, it's not that big of a deal," he countered, stepping off of the train with me.

"I'm sure she'll know it's your shirt, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Well, it's already too late. We're almost there and you're already dressed, so don't stress over it," he shrugged off the subject altogether.

"I am stressed, this is not giving off a good image of us," I frowned and he turned to me.

"It's not like this is the first time you're meeting her in your life, it's just after so many years, don't worry," his hand reached out to hold mine, intertwining with my fingers.

"Stop seducing me," I grunted, looking away when he smiled at me.

"I thought you were the seducer between us, you seduced me first after all," he retaliated.

"Shoto, I'm-"

"Oh, look. We're here," he pointed while we walked in and he signed us in.

"I'm suddenly nervous," I blurted out, squeezing his cool hand.

"Don't be, I'm right here."

"That doesn't help, you're her fucking son, how is that supposed to relieve me?"

"You're sweating and your temperature is rising, do you need me to hold you close?"

"No, fuck off, you're gonna make it worse," I snapped, turning my head away.

"You're still holding my hand," he pointed out.

"Let it go then," I tugged it back but he wouldn't budge.

"Don't feel like it."

"Shoto, we should make a good impression on your mom together," I said and he shrugged, holding my hand tighter and we stepped out of the elevator to walk towards her room.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now