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"Kacchan and you, they can't take you two," Izuku stood before me, taking another hit when the villain jumped over the flames.

"Zuku!" I screamed, lunging forward to catch him before he fell off.

"You killed my parents!" The kid tossed a rock at the villain, distracting him while he began to talk.

"Now, Zuku!" I tossed him forward, letting him jump up to use his quirk and I covered the kid with my back, the backlash leaving the place crumbling.

"We've got to get back," I told him, both of our eyes going wide when the villain got back up.

"Don't use your quirk again," Izuku warned me. "It might bring other villains toward us."

"I'm not going to ju-"

"You've got to stand your ground, I'll handle it! I'll take him down, you've got to get Kota out of here!"

"But, h-his arms," the kid cried, lashing out in my hold.

"A real hero will save others, no matter what it takes!" Izuku shouted, his hit being taken back with another punch by the villain.

"No, Zuku!" I felt my chest go tight when he fell back. "Kid, you've got to use your quirk! As a distraction," I whispered. "It'll give Zuku enough time to hit him back and we can run," I told him, urging him to shoot a little bit of a quirk out and he nodded, water flowing forward.

"Zuku," I ran towards him, catching him before he fell back, the kid clutching onto my back.

"The villain is down, w-we have to-"

"I've got it, shut up, will you?" I slung his arm over my shoulders to have him lean on me, the kid on my back while I began to ran. "We've got to get away before he gets back up. We can tell the cat heroes that they're after Suki too and then we can keep the kid safe, just stay awake," I yelled at him, running through the forest and he gave a groggy nod.

"I-I have to protect y-you and Kacchan, th-they want the two of you," he coughed.

"I'll knock you out myself if you try to talk about that, you're going to stay safe too."

"We need Kota, the fires, they can be taken out with his quirk."

"Aizawa!" I yelled out, running to him and I handed him the kid.

"The villains, they're after Kayama and Kacchan, I have to tell-"

"Stop, you both," he halted us from running off again. "Stay together and tell her something from me too then."

"Run faster, we've got to tell her," Izuku yelled and I nodded, pushing him up to jump and be attacked the villain. "We need you to use telepath! Mr. Aizawa has granted permission for everyone to fight back! Kota is safe! The villains, they're after Kacchan and Kayama! That's why they're here!"

"We have to stick to a group," I told him while we ran. "If they're after me and Suki, then they've got to have a plan on how to get us."

"Stay with me, Kayama! We can't let them take you two! Kacchan, he better he okay too! Him and Todoroki were second so they should still be around here!"

We were shoved out of the way in an instant, arms boy standing over us.

"You're here to save your friend, aren't you? Even with that injury, and Kayama, why are you here, you should be protected, you're one of their main targets besides Bakugo," he spoke.

"Hey, I can take bird boy's quirk down," I told him, Izuku's eyes shooting up to stare at me. "I won't start a fire, don't worry, and with electricity it would hurt bird boy himself, so I've got to keep myself on fire, just not spread it," I explained. "That way we can get back to Suki and Shoto in time too! You've got to give me a chance!" I cried out. "I can help!"

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now