one: a new start

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My heart was pounding as my family and I stepped onto the plane, not knowing whether we would be happy living in a new country. I have never left Australia before and now that I'm moving to Canada, my emotions have been all over the place.

It was July, the start of my summer vacation and I'm spending it, learning to adjust to a new life.

The airplane was massive but it was old. Seats were torn and there was not enough leg room.

I looked at my ticket.

Boarding pass; Elle Winters,
From Brisbane to Toronto; seat 17 A.

I kept walking until I found my seat, the window seat. My brother Kayden sat beside me and my mother sat beside him towards the aisle. My father had the aisle seat as well on the other side of the plane so he would be next to my mother.

    "Elle can I have the window seat? Pleaseeeee!" my brother begged as I looked out the window.

I turned towards him and smiled as I spoke, "sure Kay." As I sat next to my mother, I layed my head onto her shoulder as I started drifted off to sleep but to my avail, I felt a slight breeze that kept me from sleeping.

The plane was very cold, I grabbed my blanket scarf and threw it over my shoulder. I had socks in my mini backpack so I leaned over to put them on.

The seat belt sign came on, as I buckled into my seat and tried to fall asleep again.

The last thing I remember was the plane started to make its way to the runway.


I was awoken by my mother shaking me. I was asleep the entire flight, 13 hours and 30 minutes later, we were about to land in Vancouver where we had a two-hour layover before we had to get on the next flight to Toronto. The time difference is already starting to confuse me.

      "Are you ready to see your new home?" my mother asked, intrigued to hear my answer.

      "Yeah mum, just nervous about starting grade 12 in a different school especially in a different country." I answered honestly as she just looked at me with gentle eyes.

      "You'll be alright sweetie." She spoke as she rubbed my back.

I decided to walk around the airport a bit. I didn't walk too far before I got lost. I made a stop at the bathroom before heading off to Starbucks.

Australia had Starbucks, I didn't want to try something I haven't had before. There was another coffee place called Tim Hortons, but it seemed too soon to go all crazy and try something I may not enjoy.

I walked up to the barista to order my usual. A grande Caramel Macchiato with whip and I also grab a pack of French Madeleines.

Once she handed me my drink, I smiled as I thanked her. She smiled as I grabbed a cover and a sleeve then headed back towards my family.

It was time to board the flight and I couldn't be happier. I just wanted to go into my new home and go to sleep.

My parents had already been to the house and furnished it with brand new furniture. We walked onto the plane again, found our seats and made our way to Toronto.


As the plane landed and made its way to the gate, everyone in the plane clapped. I joined in on it laughing with my mother.

Before the seatbelt sign came off everyone had already taken off their seatbelts and stood up, taking out their carry-ons and waiting for the door to open.

I sat as I waited for the seatbelt sign to come off indicating we were allowed to take it off. Which was a mistake.

Everyone was pushing and shoving to get off the plane as I was just trying to take out my carry-ons.

  "Don't rush, we'll just wait until everyone gets off. We're here anyways." My mother said as she grabbed my hand.

So I sat down and waited.

Once we made it through immigration, we went outside and waited for a car. My father had order one of those limo bus drivers to take us to our new home. We were two-hours away from Belleville so this was going to be another long drive.

The driver came as we loaded up the car and headed on another trip. This time. A road trip.

The entire ride, my brother and my father discussed about sports teams.

     "LETS GO RAPTORS! Dun, dun, dun dun dun! LETS GO LEAFS! Dun, dun, dun dun dun! LETS GO-"

"Kayden come down," my dad shakes his head looking at Kayden.

"I'm just excited to go to their future games! Kayden explains.

"That's a two hour drive Kayden!" My dad informs him.

"Doesn't mean you have to take me. Once Elle gets her licence she-"

"How did I get involved in this?" I interrupt asking Kayden.

"Well, you like sports don't you?"

"I mean yeah, but-"

   "Look guys we arrived!" my mother practically yells as we pulled up to our new home. We stop our conversation to admire the house.

The house was tremendous compared to our old home.

There were fancy front double doors that caught my attention because they were so big. It was as if a giant were going to walk through them. I love the outside, it has a modern style with a lot of windows but our neighbours aren't as close because of how big the land is. My parents really went all out on this.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Kayden slammed the door as he ran towards the house. I turned my head slightly when I caught my father smiling. He was worried about how everyone would adjust to a new country since we never really left Australia, but I'm thrilled to think that this house and his new job promotion makes him happy.

I stepped out of the car and walk straight towards the house staring at its beauty. The door was already opened since Kayden practically left it opened and ran to go pick out his room. For a fourteen-year-old, I'm surprised he's excited to move, usually they would be upset that they had to leave all there friends behind.

I didn't have many friends, that's why I'm not upset that we moved, I was actually more than happy when Kayden and I found out we were moving.

One thing I'm excited for is getting my license as soon as possible, yet the Canadian driving system has three different levels for getting your licences. Maybe next month I'll go for my G1.

A new start as a senior in a new school, and I'll only be stuck there for a year, so I'll be alright.

I hope.

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