three: woah, woah, woah

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*Falling too fast to prepare for this.

     "Noooo," I whispered as my phone alarm started to go off.

*Tripping in the world could be dangerous, as my phone continued to vibrate.

     "Shut up please," I begged as I continued to wrap myself with my blanket.

*Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord

I grabbed a pillow and covered my ears. Not wanting to get up for school.

*Whatever it takes,
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes,
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains,
Whatever it takes

     "Okay okay I'm up!" I yelled as if my phone was going to stop on its own. As I grabbed my phone and took off my alarm, I glanced at the time.

7:20 am

Okay, I have enough time.


After I showered and ate some toast, I grabbed my cup of tea and headed upstairs to my room.

This new school doesn't require their students to wear uniform unlike my old school in Australia. I ended up putting on black skinny jeans, a white tank top and a black jean jacket.

I stare at myself in a full length mirror. I'm 5'7 and for some reason I feel short. Yeah I know that doesn't make sense. When I was younger I was still pretty tall especially compared to the guys at my school, that's when I felt like a giant. Now that I'm 17 years old, it seems like I've stopped growing, I've started to feel short now that everyone is passing my height.

The thought of my height slipped away when I looked at my hair. I decided to let my chestnut hair down since I had curled it last night.

I curl my eye lashes then added a bit of mascara. I wish my eyes were a different colour instead of brown. I envied other girls who had blue or green eyes. But I was stuck with these.

I brushed my eyebrows so that they looked neat and not messy. And last but not least, I put some clear lip gloss on my lips and headed down the stairs.

8:45 am

My mother was waiting outside so she can drop me to school.

     "Bye Dad!" I yelled as I walked to the front door.

He was home for some reason which was weird but it didn't bother me.

I slipped on a pair of white high top Nike Air-forces and closed the door behind me as I headed to the car.


The school was huge, although it was old, it still looks new from the outside.

I got out of the car, waving to my mother and making my way towards the school. Many students were walking around outside greeting their friends as they made their way into the school.

Walking through the black front doors, I see a sign reading office on the main floor, with an arrow pointing towards the right. I follow the signs until I made it to the office.

I was greeted by the office secretary, who introduced me to one of the two vice principals Mr. Moretti.

     "Welcome to Eastside Secondary school Elle Winters. I hope this year treat you well. I've seen your previous grades from your old high school and I'm impressed. I'm glad to see someone taking an interest in their education and not fooling around or skipping classes. I do hope you inspire other students to focus on their education as well." He smiled as he shook my hand.

He then handed me my timetable for the year. I thanked him and made my way out into the hallway.

I looked at the piece of paper looking to see what my first period class was.
Period 1 - English, Room 203

I headed up the stairs making my way past the crowds of students when I bumped into a girl with straight long strawberry blonde hair.

She seemed to be the same height at me, until I looked down and seen her heels. I'm assuming they're three inches. She has blue eyes and a pair of black and gold aviator sunglasses on her head.

     "I'm so sorry, I was just looking for my English class. It seems that I've gotten lost." She laughed nervously.

     "I have English now too, maybe we can help each other find it. My name is Elle by the way," I say with a smile.

     "My name's Everleigh, and thank god you'll help me. I hate that every other kid I've asked here just gave me dirty looks and walked away." She says sweetly but ended her sentence with attitude.

     "I'm assuming you're new here, well I'm new here too." I respond as we continue to look for our class.

     "Oh my god look, we found it! But tell me Elle, how do they expect people to find this class if it's literally hiding in the corner of this damn hallway?" She huffs and makes her way into the class. I start to laugh as I followed her inside.

There happened to be two seats left beside a girl with jet black hair that was tied up in a pony tail. As we walk towards her to take a seat, I notice she has hazel eyes and a bunch of different ear piercings.

     "Hellooooo, my name's Rosalie, I've never seen you two before. I'm assuming you guys are new but I could be wrong, although I've known majority of these people for a long time since we've all gone to school together and- "

     "Woah woah woah, call down." I laugh as I notice she turns red from embarrassment.

     "I'm sorry, I just love making friends. I know that probably sounds weird." She says softly.

     "It's not weird don't worry. My name's Elle and this is Everleigh," I announce, pointing towards my self and Everleigh. Everleigh waves at Rosalie before Rosalie asks, "did you guys attend the same school before or something?"

"No, we just met in the hallway and bam! We became friends," I smile looking at the both of them.

     "But, who said we're friends?" Everleigh laughs as I punch her in the arm.

     "Hey, we're automatically friends since we don't know anyone here." I chuckled and she continued to rub her arm.

     "Okay, OW, that was painful," she exclaimed.

     "Don't mess with me," I say as I turn to notice the teacher had walked in.

"Well, let me welcome you guys to this hell hole. Now it's the first day and I''m not about to get detention so let's pay attention please," Rosalie whispers.

"Jheez, thanks and true, I don't want detention either," I smile. I pull out a note book and pencils as I decide to start paying attention to the teacher.

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