forty-six: deal, Di Lucalious

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Elle's P.O.V

Damian slowly leans into kiss me and I given in. I missed him. I missed his laugh, his smiles and his disses surprisingly.

But I knew kissing him right now is not right. I pull away and let go of his hand.

"I'm sorry, I know you didn't want to kiss and make up after a fight-"

"I know you're in love with me and I'm in love with you too Damian, but I don't know if getting back together is good for us," I say.

I know that probably made no sense whatsoever but, I feel like we're so different that we might always disagree with each other and what we choose to do which can lead to multiple fights.

"Why not?" His eyes become glossy.

"Damian, I feel like we're so different and every time we choose to do something that the other person doesn't agree with, we'll get into a huge fight or something and-" I stop when he bows his head down and I can feel a tear drop fall onto my hand.

He eventually takes a deep breath in and says, "okay, I understand."

"Really?" I question.

"Yeah, I umm- had a talk with my father earlier and well... you never know what life has in store for us," he smiles so faintly.

What on earth is he talking about.

"Just explain to me what you're thinking," I say.

He starts to talk about his father and his mother, and how they used to fight constantly, but eventually they found their way to each other. Now, I get why he has a small smile, because it could happen to us.

"Oh, I umm wrote something for you. It's sort of my apology and well... other stuff are there too," he chuckles nervously. I take the folded piece of paper in my hand and begin to open it but he stops me.

"Read it when I leave. It'll probably be better if you do that," he smiles before continuing. "But if you ever change your mind on giving us another chance, I'm always here for you Bella. I will love you forever," he says before standing up holding my hand.

"You're leaving?" I ask. He nods his head, "it's late, and well, I'll give you time and you probably want to read that," he points to the paper.

We walk down to my front door and I watch as he walks down the driveway, into his car and eventually disappears down the road.

I am actually happy he kind of left because I really want to read this note. Since meeting him, he's been very cheesy and kind of cliché so, I know this note might be super cheesy.

Actually I don't know if I should read it. It might make me cry or something. Unless that was his goal? Oh who am I kidding!

I run up the stairs, grab the note and flop onto my bed unfolding it.

To my Bella,

I am so happy you're reading this right now. So let me begin by saying how sorry I am. Sorry for being controlling and sorry for keeping secrets from you.

All I want is for you to be happy and safe, and that is all that I was trying to do. It's hard to control my controlling personality because that's just the way I am. That is the way I function.

And for the secrets, I know you probably think this is so overused but it's still hard for me to open up because of my ex-girlfriend. She's manipulated me and broke my trust and my heart.

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