seventeen: hey, honey bunny

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When we pull up to the house, Alexis and I stare at the fact that Damian and Gabriel actually decorated the place. Now that I think about it, they probably hired someone to do it. After Carlisle told me Damian's parents are both away, I figured out why Damian was even throwing a party in the first place.

     "You ready to face your demons?" Alexis intrigues.

     "Ha ha ha, let's do it!" I shout with an evil laugh in the beginning.

We both take off our jackets, leaving them in the car and walk into the house. Music was blasting and the crowd was going crazy. The house already looks trashed and it's only 9 pm.

     "Let's go get something to drink!" Alexis yells. I follow her into the kitchen, to see a group of guys chugging beer and another group playing beer pong. Alexis and I joined in on the cheering.

     "CHUG CHUG CHUG!" I shout along with Alexis.

     "Hey Alexis, who is your lovely twin over here?" I hear Axel ask. I'm guessing since I have my hard hat on, he can't see my face so I don't bother turning around and let him try to figure out who I really am.

     "Damn bro, I call dibs," Mateo joins in.

     "Back off Mateo, I seen her first."

     "Axel, you dressed as a damn cop, what are you going to do, arrest her?"

     "And you dressed as a Soldier. What are you going to do? Wait for a war to break out so you could impress her?"

     "Axel, you're a dumbass thinking she'll like you," Carlisle adds.

     "Shut the hell up Carlisle, you and your firefighter ass. You think your going to charm any girl here with a frickin hose?" Axel disses.

I can hear Alexis laughing, "Axel buddy, go make your move."

Axel taps my shoulder, "Hey hot stuff. You like my handcuffs?"

     "Hey bestie!"

     "Oh shit!" Axel jumps.

Alexis, Carlisle and I starting laughing as we watch Axel and Mateo turn red. Eventually during all that laughter, Everleigh and Rosalie walks up to us. Alexis explains what just happened and they join in on the laughter.

     "What joke did I miss?" Damian walks up to us.

"Axel and Mateo didn't know that was Elle and they were fighting over who gets her," Carlisle explains. Damian chuckles but doesn't even look at me.

     "Guys, let's go play beer pong or something," Damian suggests, taking a sip of his beer from the bottle.

     "Alright, yo Elle, you want to join us?" Carlisle asks me.

But before I could respond, Damian beats me to it saying, "Nah, she's not interested in that, let's go."

But, who does this guy think he is? Whatever, I don't want to play with him anyways.

Just as I was about to say something to Damian, Nick walks up behind me and hugs me.

     "Hey guys," he smiles.

Okay, but what gives him the right to hug me like this? Alexis pushes him off playfully and hugs me. Only her, the girls and I know she really wanted to punch him instead. She honestly hates Nick. I don't blame her though, especially with what he says about her.

Damian glares at Nick. A hard, cold, deadly glare, but then he walks away. The guys follow him leaving Nick and us behind.

     "You guys started drinking without me?" Nick pouts.

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