four: WHERE IS HE?

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I am so happy because it is finally lunch!

After English and Math, I needed this break. Yeah, I know this is the first day but the teachers already scare me. They aren't as chill as I thought they would be.

Everleigh and I had math together, so when it was lunch we decided to head down to the cafeteria to wait for Rosalie and her friend. Everleigh was busy looking at her face with a small hand held mirror when I noticed Rosalie and her friend walk through the doors holding drinks. They made their way towards us.

"Guys, this is my best friend Alexis. Alexis is this Everleigh and Elle." Rosalie says excitedly as she takes a seat beside me. Alexis smiles at us as she takes a seat beside Everleigh across from Rosalie.

As I looked at Alexis with her light brown hair in perfect waves, I noticed she has a nose piercing with a diamond stud. She also had dark brown eyes and fake eye lashes on. She didn't wear a lot of makeup but I guess that was because she already has clear skin.

If I'm being honest here, I would have never guessed that Alexis and Rosalie were bestfriends. Rosalie seemed perky and hyper like a five year old, while Alexis seemed calm, cool and relaxed. I guess when people say opposites attract they really do mean it.

"Well it's nice to meet you guys, you seem very excited to be here," Alexis says with sarcasm.

     "Oh who am I kidding, you guys will hate this school! Sorry to be all rude or whatever but there is literally nothing exciting going on here," she continued to complain.

     "Don't worry, my old school was very very boring. Trust me when I say, so far for me this isn't boring at all," I laugh, meanwhile everyone stared at me.

My old school was weird. I mean, when I said I never had friends, it wasn't because I was a loner or anything. The students were just all to themselves. I swear no one interacted with anyone. Everyone was smart but we weren't even a "specialized" school for smart kids. It was literally my home school! My dad forced me to go sadly, so being in a school that is "normal" is actually very exciting.

I ended up explaining my old school to the girls and they claimed they wouldn't survive.

"Don't worry, you'll love Australia though," I smile, but then the cafeteria doors fly open and we all turn around in shock.

     "WHERE IS HE?" The platinum blonde hair girl who was complaining at the park yelled furiously as she marched down towards the back where the girls and I were sitting. Her heels were the only things making loud disruptive noises.

"Umm excuse me, this is my table," she said with attitude looking at her nails.

More like claws if you ask me.

"Umm sorry, I don't see any name on this table," I reply with the same amount of attitude she gave us.

Her head snapped towards us. She began to glare at me. "What did you just say?" She asked.

"I just said, that there is... no name... on this table." I reply.

Everyone started to watch the commotion that was occurring.

     "Do you even know who I am?" She questioned.

     "Does it look like I care to know who you are," I blurted without realizing what just came my mouth.

She put one hand over her mouth and gasped at my response. Seems like no one talks to her the way I did. She was about to respond but then the doors opened again.

This time four guys walked in.

The girl turned around and noticed the guys, "you are lucky my husband had arrived because I would have put you to your place!" The girl said before she quickly scurried towards them.

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