fourteen: ciao Gabriel

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"Uh, hello to you too?" I say, sounding more like a question.

"You only speak English?" He asks with a Spanish accent.

"Yeah, but I understood hola," I reply.

He laughs at my response.

     "What is a gorgeous girl like you doing out here by herself?" He flirts.

     "I was feeling hot, and I needed some air," I answer. "And why are you out here by yourself?"

     "Maybe, it's because you're already naturally hot," he winks then continues. "Well I was alone at first but, I'm not anymore," he smiles.

I should probably be creeped out but I'm not. Why am I not creeped out? I have no clue.

He comes closer to me and stretches his hand out. "Care to join me inside?" He asks sweetly.

"Sure," I say placing my hand in his.

He's very buff. He's like Damian except bigger. He's got dark brown hair and an ear piercing with stubble on his face. I'm not going to lie, he's really cute.

Wait, he does look like Damian, a lot. Maybe that's why I'm not creeped the hell out.

We walk through the front door and head straight to the main room. "Would you like to dance with me preciosa?" He asks.

"Um, I don't know. I'm here with someone and I should probably go look for-"

"Ohhh, come on. Just a quick dance," he says and pulls me onto the dance floor.

"I don't even know your name," I say dancing with him.

"It's Gabriel sweet heart," he smiles.

"Oh, well hello Gabriel, my name's Elle," I laugh and he joins me. I place my left hand on his shoulder, while my other hand was holding on to his.

We continue to dance for a bit until I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn to see Damian standing there with a serious but surprised look.

Damian's P.O.V

Why is she dancing with my brother? She should be waiting to dance with me.

"Ciao Gabriel,"

"Damian, no te vi alli"

"Nessun fratello italiano?" I ask him.

"Sorry brother but I don't speak Italian anymore," Gabriel says as he lets go of Elle's hand.

He shouldn't be holding her hand in the first place. I don't even know why I'm a little jealous. Damian Di Luca doesn't get jealous.

Yes, I just referred to myself in third person.

"I see you've changed," I say to him. All I could think about was the reaction my parents, well my father, will have when is favourite son isn't 'Italian' anymore.

All of a sudden I see my mother and father begin to walk up to us. "Oh sweetie, I see you found your surprise," my mother says happily.

"Yeah mamma, my surprise is great," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"I think I'll go get something to drink," Elle says, but before she could slip away, I grab her hand and lean into her ear whispering, "we need to talk Bella." She looks at me when I let go of her hand, nods, then she walks away.

"I must say you're girlfriend is stunning," I lunge over to him, but my father pulls me back. "I'm just surprised you were able to move on that fast, after what your last girl did to us. To our family legacy. Are you sure you picked the right girl this time?" Gabriel laughs.

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