thirty-four: I got in

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I'm still the Virgin Mary, so... calm down.

Apparently after Damian and I left the front of the hotel, Mateo and Carlisle got into a fight with a group of drug dealers that were walking past them. They seen Mateo smoking and asked if they could have a hit, but Mateo denied their request and things got physical.

Carlisle and Mateo told Everleigh and Rosalie to head back inside and up to the room so that they wouldn't witness anything. They obeyed and walked up to the room the girls are sleeping in, which isn't the one Damian and I were in.

The bathroom is in the beginning of the room, so before the girls walk towards the main area where our beds are, Everleigh decides to go to the bathroom. That's when she notices Alexis and Gabriel making out. Rosalie seen Everleigh freeze at the door, so she walks up to also witness Alexis's make out session. Everleigh quickly pulls Rosalie away but Alexis and Gabriel caught them.

After that, Alexis, Gabriel, Everleigh and Rosalie decide to walk to the other room, where we were all drinking. And... that's when they catch Damian and I making out as well.

"OH MY EYES!" Alexis screams, before Gabriel covers her mouth and pulls her away. Damian and I push each other away to see Everleigh and Rosalie killing themselves at Alexis's reaction, before apologizing for watching us and walking out of the room.

I still have no clue where things would have went if Alexis hadn't screamed. I also still haven't decided if I should be upset or not.

I don't know if I'm ready to take the 'next step' since we've only been dating four months.


       "New York was actually fun."

       "Saturday though," Carlisle turns to Axel.

       "Mhm, Saturday was such a blast that you two couldn't get up Sunday morning," I shake my head in disappointment.

       "At least we got up to go party again Sunday night," Axel shrugs his shoulders.

       "I never thought an all ages club would be... like that," Everleigh admits.

       "Honey... wait until you can get into the other ones," Alexis places her hand on Everleigh's shoulder with a big smile on her face.

It's Monday and we are all currently eating at a rest stop, on our way home from New York City. We left around 10 in the morning and we have about another three hours a head of us.

        "Eat your food quick! I have school in the morning!" Rosalie tries to clean up the garbage from the table.

         "So do we," I mumble shoving the last piece of my burger into my mouth. I reach for a fry to also shove it into my mouth, when Damian sticks his head in front and bites it. I pout and cross my arms, "Why do you always steal my food!"

He turns to look at me. He picks up a fry and tries to get me to eat it. "Here comes the... French fry plane. Zoom..." he says in a babyish voice. Everyone stares at him in shock. I continue to sit, not opening my mouth at all. Damian, instead moves the fry away from my lips and places his lips on mine. He pulls back whispering, "I'm sorry," then gives me another quick kiss before shoving the fries into his mouth.

        "What did I just witness?" Axel shakes his head.

        "Are you going to be like that Gabriel?" Alexis asks with a weird look on her face.

        "Hell no..." Gabriel pauses before turning to look at Alexis, "unless you want me too," he says with a small smile.

She shakes her head, "no thanks. That makes me cringe." Gabriel sighs in relief as we all laugh at him.

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