ten: I can't pay for my own damn cookie now?

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The teddy bear guy continues to walk towards us. The chain saw inching closer and closer as we continue to step back further and further.

     "This is too much PDA to handle" Axel laughs at Damian and I hugging but then he notices the teddy bear guy.

He jumps and holds onto Mateo.

     "Bro let go of me!" Mateo yells.

      "Save me Mateo!" Axel screams.

Damian and I let go of each other. He grabs my hand again and we both run out the maze leaving Mateo with Axel.

"We both lost," I laugh trying to catch my breath as we make it out of the maze.

"I think I lost first since I grabbed your hand," he smiles.

"But I didn't move my hand away from yours," I say.

"You don't have to worry about that, we'll still be going on a date with each other anyways," he laughs. I punch his arm and continue to laugh.

Axel runs out of the maze straight towards me. He grabs onto me and hugs me tight.

"Next week you're my partner, all these people can't protect me!" He shouts.

"Axel you're actually a pussy," Damian laughs.

"Don't talk to my bestie like that," I pout looking at Damian.

      "This is why I like Elle better than you," Axel sticks his tongue out at Damian, and Damian returns the gesture back to Axel.

Damian is actually being childish, who knew he was like this?

Once everyone returns to our meet up spot, we all decide to go grab some hot chocolates at a local diner.

"Guys next week's Halloween thing, is supposedly super scary!" Nick exclaims.

All of us are sitting at a huge table sipping our hot chocolates. I'm sitting between Nick and Everleigh and across from Damian, Axel and Mateo. Damian would not stop kicking my feet. Every time I'm about to take a sip my hot chocolate, he kicks me. Not aggressively, just playfully.

Everyone starts to talk about horror movies while Nick and I are talking about next week. He's actually a really nice guy to be honest but I feel like not all the guys like him. Nick's phone began to ring, and he gets up to answer it. About five minutes later, he comes back looking upset.

"Hey, it seems like you're upset, if you want to talk about it you can tell me," I say sincerely.

He nods his head and begins to tell me about his family and how they are basically full of drama. There's something going on with his sister and apparently he's in trouble or he has to deal with the problem.

I pat his back as he puts his head in his hands. He's doesn't give me details about the situation but I can tell by his reaction that, it is very serious.

"Is everything okay?" Alexis asks causing everyone to turn their heads and look at us. I look at Nick, who still hasn't look up at everyone. I turn to Alexis replying, "yeah, he'll be okay, don't worry about it," I smile before finishing.

"I'm going to go pay and I'll be outside waiting," Damian announces rudely before getting up and leaving.

What is with this guy and his mood swings? First, he's all happy and making jokes, then he becomes all salty and upset.

"I'm going to go see if I could get a cookie or anything sweet to eat. I'll meet you guys outside." I say before getting up and heading towards the cashier.

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