fifty-six: I can't.

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            "Wait, did you kill Nick?" Mateo asks looking at Gabriel. I quickly look up at him. I totally forgot about Nick.

             "No I didn't, one of papa's men came and tied him up. They're taking him to the warehouse. I think papa wants to question him," Gabriel explains.

             "He should be dead!" I yell a little too loud. People start looking at us.

             "He's joking," Carlisle tells everyone, although the guys and I know, I'm not joking.

             "Anyways, he might know where Davina is, so right now he might be in use to us," Gabriel says.

I nod my head and continue to look at the ground. I guess he's right Nick might know where Davina is, that's even if he tells us her location.

             "Oh my god, where is she?" Everleigh calls out walking over to us.

             "She's in the operating room," Mateo responds. I watch as he stands up and hugs her as she's crying into his shoulder. Gabriel stands up as well and hugs Alexis who is also crying. Rosalie, Kayden and Mia walk in together.

            "Where's Liam?" I ask Mia.

            "He's on his way with your mother and father. Where is she Damian?" Mia asks, her eyes burning red as if she's been crying all day.

            "She's in the operating room. It's bad," I choke on my words, trying so hard not to cry again. Mia notices my reaction and immediately leans in to hug me.

Kayden and Rosalie take a seat next to Axel and Carlisle. Once I let go of Mia, I walk over to sit next to Kayden. He places a hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at him.

             "She's a badass dude. She'll pull through, I know it," he smiles comforting me. I smile back and hug him.

             "I really wish I had as much hope as you," I say. He moves himself away from me.

             "I've heard stories on how she used to be really sick when she was younger. I mean I was alive then, but I was still a baby to know what was happening. Apparently it was really bad and well, look at her now, she's as strong as ever. She can beat the crap out of me if she wanted too and look at these muscles," he says pointing to his biceps before continuing. "She would win fighting with me. If she can win a fight against me and these muscles, she can pull through the surgery and survive this," Kayden explains.

              "Thanks man, I really needed to hear that," I smile. He smiles in return.

Not too long after, Liam, my father and mother arrive and take a seat with everyone else. Liam decides to go to the desk and talk to the receptionist.

I notice he pulls out some cash and hands it to the woman behind the desk. She nods her head and stands up, walking away. Liam walks over to Mia saying, "once she's out of surgery, she'll be placed in a bigger and private room."

Mia nods and placed her head on Liam's shoulder.

            "Mr. Winters, any news?" I ask him. He looks over at me and shakes his head.

We wait for hours and hours until the doctor walks into the waiting room.

             "Is anyone here wait for Ms. Winters?" The doctor asks and I immediately stand up as well as Liam and Mia.

             "How is she?" I ask.

             "She's a tough one. With her injuries it was a miracle she's alive right now, but she's fallen into a coma. We don't know when or if she'll wake up," the doctor explains.

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