22 ; results and surprises

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Charlotte opened the door to the locker room and saw most of the girls on the roster there.

"There's mommy," Becky smiled as the girls cheered. "Wow, I'm mommy to you guys too?" Charlotte laughed. "I've been called mommy for the past month. I need a break from that name," she smiled as the girls laughed. "How is it? Being a mommy?" Carmella asks.

Charlotte shrugs as she sits on the floor. "Woah, mommies sit on the floor now?" Naomi asked as the rest of the girls laughed. Charlotte playfully rolled her eyes. "Haha, real funny," she says.

"No, but I guess being a mom is fun. I mean, she tells me a lot of things that I know she wouldn't tell Joe or things that she probably wouldn't have told Galina," Charlotte smiles. "How was it? The court thing?"

Charlotte slightly smiled. "Uh, she gets her every other weekend that Joe and I are not gone." "That's good, right?" Becky asked. "Yeah, but sometimes I feel like I'm taking away that mother-daughter bonding that she and Joelle could've had," she says.

"Well, it's her fault for causing Joelle and Joe all that pain. You shouldn't blame yourself for it, Ash," Carmella says. She sighs. "Yeah, I know," she smiles.

Soon, they heard a phone ring. Charlotte took her phone out, with a confused look on her face. "Someone's gonna get dicked down," Carmella smirks as Becky and Naomi laugh. "Well, it's Joe, so don't say anything dumb," she says, picking up the phone.

"Hey, daddy Joe," Naomi calls making everyone laugh. "Stop it," Charlotte smiles. "Was that Naomi?" She heard. Charlotte laughs. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm being mommy here too," she said. Roman chuckled. "I'm glad I'm appreciated everywhere," he says. Charlotte playfully scoffs. "What's up?"

"Uh," she heard Roman clear his throat. "Brie's having the baby," he says. "What?" She says. "Yeah, uh, Daniel called me like twenty minutes ago. I'm at the hospital by the arena that you're at," he says. "Well, do you want me there?" She asked. "I mean, you're not wrestling tonight are you?" He asked. "Uh, no. I'm coming," she says.

"Alright. I love you. Everything's gonna be fine," she says. She hears Roman sigh. "Yeah, I know. I love you too," he said before she hanged up the phone. "So, no dick tonight?" Carmella said. Charlotte laughs. "No. Uh, Brie's having the baby."

"Woah," Becky said. Charlotte sighs. "Yeah, I know," she stands up. "Joe wants me there, so I'm gonna go," she says. "You don't have a match tonight, right?" Becky asked. "No, I don't," she says. "Text us if you get news," Carmella says. "Yeah, I will. Thanks, guys."

449 words

HEYY!! So, we're finally there! We get to see who's the baby daddy! Who do you guys have bets on, Roman or Bryan? I think Roman, oops... I think I might've spoiled it for you...damn...Oh well!

But yeah! I hope you guys liked this short, crappy chapter! Next one will hopefully be up soon!

Love you all!!


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