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"This was a terrible idea."

Charlotte sighs as she puts Ashton's car seat on the hotel bed. It's been a month since Ashton's birth and Roman had convinced Charlotte to go on the road with him. He knew it was going to be a struggle with a seven-year-old and a newborn, but it was going to be worth it to be with his family.

"Ash, he's fine," Roman says. "He's been fine since we got off the plane." Charlotte sighs again. "I know, but I just don't feel comfortable bringing him outside the house," she says taking her son out of his car seat.

"I think you're being a tad dramatic, Ash," Roman chuckles. Charlotte rolls her eyes. "You can't say anything. You didn't hold him and push him and stay with him for a month," she says taking his bag into the bathroom.

"Charlotte," Roman calls after her. He follows her as he takes the bag from her. "Joe, give me the bag," she said. "I'm sorry," he says. "No, I told you I didn't want to come. We were fine at home," she says.

"Yeah, but I missed you guys," Roman says taking his son from his mother. "And I'm barely home and I guess this is the only way that I can see you guys every day."

Charlotte huffs as she runs her hand through her hair. "Whether you like it or not, I'm taking you out on a date, so get ready," he says walking out the bathroom. "But--," Charlotte starts. "Don't worry about the kids. I got it."


A couple of hours had passed and Charlotte was waiting for Roman. She was by herself in the hotel room, and she was bored out of her mind. She just wanted to go home and be with her family. Not trapped in a hotel room while her boyfriend was out busting his ass every day.

She heard her phone buzz as she reached over next to her to see who had texted her. She looked at her phone and saw that Roman texted her:

Come down to the lobby. Somebody will pick you up

Charlotte smiled as she got off the bed and walked out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. She walked into it as she waited for it to open, before walking into it. She sighed as the elevator closed, tapping her foot as she waited for it to hit the first floor.

She was kind of excited to see what Roman had in mind. They really hadn't had time to themselves since she got pregnant. That was almost over a year ago. Hopefully, he didn't go over the top like he usually did.

Her thoughts got interrupted when the elevator opened, making her walk out. Roman wasn't anywhere to be found, but she remembered him saying that someone would pick her up.

"Excuse me," she heard, making her turn around. There was a man in a suit with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Are you Ashley?" Charlotte tilts her head in confusion. "Yes, I am."

The man hands her the flowers. "Mr. Anoa'i is expecting you," he smiles as she takes the flowers. "Please. Follow me."

A little confused as to what Roman was doing, she followed the man down the lobby. For some reason, the path that she was walking looked very familiar. It was as if, she had already known her way.

Soon, the two stopped in front of a door. The man opened it for Charlotte. "I'm so confused right now," Charlotte said. The man smiles at her again. "Mr. Anoa'i is waiting for you," he says opening the door.

Charlotte walks in and sees rose petals on the floor. She follows the trail of petals until she saw someone with their back turned in front of them. She looked around and saw lights around, making it easier for her to see her surroundings. The place looked so familiar, but for some reason, she couldn't put her mind on it.

She put the flowers on a table next to her as she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, putting her chin on his shoulder.

"Hi, love," he whispers. She exhales. "You did all of this for me?" She smiled. He softly laughs. "Nothing really that big," he smiles. Charlotte hugged him tighter as she gave him a soft kiss on his neck. "Where are the kids?"

Roman turned around and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry about the kids. Tonight is about you and me," he whispers. Charlotte smiles as she places her hand on his cheek. "I can't believe I ever hated you," she whispers stroking his cheek with her thumb.

Roman leaned down and softly kissed her lips. "I love you, so much," he mumbles against her lips. "I love you too."


The couple walked around together for the past thirty minutes, not saying anything to each other. They didn't have to. Her arms were clutched around his left arm as they walked down a path.

"So, this was our date?" She smiled. "Probably the best date I've ever been on." Roman chuckles. "There's really nothing I could plan in eight hours," he says. She stops walking. "It was perfect. I loved it. Thank you."

Roman turned around to face her. "Remember the first time we had an actual conversation?" He asked her. She nods. "About Brie and how she cheated on you? Right after you saved my life?"

Roman chuckles. "I didn't exactly save your life," he smiles. "Yeah, you did. Who knows what the guy could've done to me? I was just really happy that you were there, even though I hated you."

Roman smiles as he brushes her hair back. "I don't exactly remember what we talked about, but I remember you talking about a song. And right after you left, I listened to it. It sounded like something JoJo would listen to," he chuckles making her laugh.

"And I hated that song. But after a while, I understood the meaning behind it. And then I realized how much you mean to me. And then I got mad at myself when I told Hunter about what happened, but it was because I fell in love with you, the minute I saw you."

"Joe," she starts. "And then with the whole Brie and Galina situation, you stood by my side even when I went crazy and I still kinda hate myself that you couldn't tell me immediately that you were pregnant with our baby because of anything that I did or said."

"No, baby, no," she shakes her head. "It wasn't you." Roman nods. "I know. But I still feel like I had something to do with it. But I still got my baby. No matter how hard you tried to push me away, I got my baby and I don't think I've ever loved you more after having Ashton."

Roman held Charlotte's hands and got down on one knee. "Joe," Charlotte whispered. "I told you that I was going to marry you, and I want to marry you now. Whether it's tomorrow, next week, next year or whenever. I just want to be with you forever."

He reaches in his jacket pocket and pulls out a black box. "Ash," he exhales as he looks into her green eyes, seeing the tears starting to fall from eyes. "Joe."

"Marry me?" He whispers. Charlotte nods as she breaks down. "Yes," she cries. Roman stands up and he brings her into her chest as she cries. He smiles as she hugs him tighter. "I love you," she cries. Roman pulls away as he leans down and kisses her lips.

He pulls away as he wipes her tears. "I love you too."

1,303 words

HEYYY!! Sorry for the wait! This is going to be the last chapter of the book, unfortunately. But the good news is that I'll be starting the new book somewhere at the end of this month or the beginning of July.

Thank you for supporting this book. I hope you guys will read the next book and support it as much as you supported this book.

Love you all!!


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