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"That will be the last time Naomi picks where we go and eat," Charlotte complained. Becky scoffed. "You're telling me. I've been throwing up for the past two days," she says.

"I want my husband," she whines. "You're lucky. You have your husband with you everywhere you go. That's not fair," she says. Becky chuckles. "First of all, neither of us are married," she says as Charlotte groans, flopping herself on the bed next to her. "Second, it'll only last a couple more days."

"I'm calling my husband," she says taking her phone. "I'm leaving," Becky says walking to the door. "I'm not in the mood to hear phone sex right now," she said opening the door. Charlotte rolled her eyes before mocking Becky under her breath.

Charlotte started to call Roman but after a couple of rings, he didn't pick up. She groaned again loudly in frustration as she put her phone next to her. She looked at the ceiling before hearing her phone ring. She groaned once more before picking up the phone.

"What?" She said. "Damn. You called me," she heard. "I thought you would be more excited to hear from me," he says. "You didn't pick up my call," she said. "And why is it so loud where you are?" She asked. "The beard's growing," she could hear him chuckle. "Had to trim it a bit."

"But I like the beard," she smiles. "You're on speaker, babe," Roman laughs. "I don't care," she whines. "Naomi got me sick," she said. "She picked where we got to eat lunch on Friday and now, I have food poisoning," she says.

"Aw, I'm sorry, baby," he says. "Yeah, I'm sorry too," she rolls her eyes. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll see you on Tuesday," he says making her smile. "I know," she said. "I can't believe it's almost been a month since I got to see your face," she said.

"I know," he says. "I'm gonna let you puke your guts out and rest," he said hearing her yawn. "I'm not tired," she said softly. "You'll be out in five minutes, Ash," he chuckles making her smile. "You'll be OK. I love you."

"Thanks, babe," she said. "I love you too."

375 words

Chapter up quick! This chapter is like part one to a probably 3 part chapter, I'm not even sure, but stay tuned!

Next chapter will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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