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Charlotte parked her car at the hospital parking lot and got out, so see Roman at the front of the hospital entrance, waiting for her. She smiled to herself as she walked up to him, getting his attention.

"Hey," he smiled, giving her a hug. "Hey," she said. "Sorry I couldn't have been here earlier," she said. He shakes his head, kissing her forehead. "Just you being here is good enough. I can't be in that room for shit," he says walking away. Charlotte frowned a bit before following him inside.

She had been thinking about what she told the girls back at the arena, how she felt as if she was taking away the mother-daughter bond that Joelle could've had with her birth mother, with Galina. She felt as if she was taking that from Roman as well. He probably wanted to be a father to Brie's baby, but he declined it because of her.

"Ash, you alright?" Roman asked his girlfriend, knocking her out of her thoughts. She looks up at him, noticing that they were about five feet apart from each other. "What, yeah. I'm fine," she says walking up to him. "You sure?" He asked taking her hand. She kissed his cheek and nodded. "Positive."

The two walked into the elevator, heading up to the fourth floor, to Brie's room, noticing that Nikki was outside the room. She stands up when she sees the two. "She's been asking for you," Nikki rolls her eyes. Roman looks over at Charlotte for approval. "It's OK," she nods. "I'll be OK." He exhales before letting go of her hand and walking into the room.

Charlotte exhales herself as she sits in one of the chairs. "I'm really sorry, Ash," Nikki said. Charlotte looked up at her. "For what?" Nikki walks over and sits next to her. "For all the drama Brie's caused you. She knows deep down that Daniel's the father. She's always known," Nikki starts. "Nicole, it's OK. You don't have to apologize for her."

"No, but I feel like I have to," Nikki says. Charlotte looks down at her fingers before looking back at Nikki. "She's just gotten so attached to Roman. Every day, she's always had some grudge against you because you and Joe always seemed fairly close, even though we all knew that you two despised each other," Nikki says.

"Nicole, I get it," she slightly smiles at her friend. "I always knew she was gonna have something against me. Ever since she asked me about what was going on between Joe and I and then when he told me about what she had done to Roman and then when we got together, I just knew that she was gonna have some feelings toward me," Charlotte shrugged. "I don't really feel like I need an apology."

"Are you sure?" Nikki asked. Charlotte smiles. "Yeah. Besides, I don't want her to give me an apology that she doesn't want to give or doesn't mean," she says as Nikki chuckles. "Yeah, I get it," she says hugging her.

The two pulled away to see Roman coming out of the room. "Hey," Charlotte said. "Baby's here," he slightly smiles. "Really?" She says. "How are they? What is it?" Nikki says. "Uh," he says putting his hands in his pocket. "It's a girl," he smiles as the girls smile back. "Doctors are running tests right now to make sure everything is OK with her and then we'll find the news," he explains.

"I'm gonna go see them," Nikki says walking over to the door, leaving the couple to themselves. "What's up with you today, babe?" Roman asks walking over to her, noticing her face. Charlotte looks at him before taking his arm and making the two of them sit down.

"Ash, what's going on?" He asked worriedly. "You're not pregnant. Please tell me you're not pregnant," he says making her smile. "Why, would it be a bad thing that I'm pregnant?" She asked. "No, but I don't think having a baby right now would probably be the best idea," he says. "Well, I'm not pregnant." "Damn, that kinda sucks, though," he playfully sighs making her laugh.

"You know how you want me to tell you everything that's on my mind, right?" She said, making him nod. "Is it bad for me to want this baby to be yours?" She asked. Roman looked at her with not only confusion but with shock. "What makes you think that?" He asked, moving a strand of hair out of her face.

She sighs. "It's just," she pauses. "It's just that after the court thing with Galina and JoJo, I just felt like I was taking away that mother-daughter experience that she could've had with her own daughter," Charlotte says playing with Roman's fingers. "And then, I think you want to be a father to this baby, but I think that you think that I'm holding you back."

"I just don't want you to set aside your feelings because you think that it's not what I want or you think it's gonna hurt me," she finishes. Roman smiles as he laces his hand in hers. "You done?" He asked, making her nod.

"One, none of what happened at court is your fault. Galina chose to choose other men over Joelle and me. She decided to choose wine and alcohol over Joelle and me. I don't want you or JoJo blaming yourselves for that," he says. "Two, if I have to be a father to Brie's baby, then I'm the father to Brie's baby. I would, of course, love my daughter as much as I love JoJo."

"But if I'm not the father, then I'm not the father. But that means I have more time to prepare for the baby that we could possibly have. You and JoJo are always my top priority. Always remember that, alright?" He explained. She nods. "Thank you for telling me," he kisses her cheek. She smiles and leans her head on his shoulder.

Nikki came out seeing the two. "Hey," Roman said. "Well, I can confirm she's 100% Daniel's," Nikki smiled, noticing the two's facial reactions. "Wow," Roman exhaled looking at Charlotte and then Nikki. "Did they decide on a name?" Charlotte asked. "So far, first. They decided on naming her Brin."

"Carter," Charlotte says. "Brin Carter Danielson," she fully says. "I like that," Roman smiles. "So do I," Nikki smiles. "I'll go tell them," she turns around but turns back to face them. "I'm really sorry, guys," she says. "I told you to stop apologizing, Nikki," Charlotte smiles. "We're OK. We'll be fine."

1,105 words

HEYY!! Sorry if this chapter was up late. I started this chapter a couple of days ago, I would say three days ago and only wrote one sentence. I finished the entire chapter today, so that's great.

But, we finally know what the baby is! I felt like if I made Brin Roman's, there would be way too much drama in this book. Way more than there needed to be!

I think the next chapter is going to be a time skip. Maybe a two month time skip to around December, to Roman and Charlotte's one-year anniversary. Maybe there will be some tea in it a bit, but I'm not sure.

But I know that I want something special to happen on their anniversary. I already have something planned, but if you guys want something to happen, let me know!

Changed the cover too! Here it is:

Also, not really gonna talk about Roman's situation, because it still hurts to think about it

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Also, not really gonna talk about Roman's situation, because it still hurts to think about it. We just have to pray for him!!

But yeah! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon!!

Love you all!!


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