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Elsa's POV:
I stare out the window. It's my first day back as queen, and I'm already feeling tense due to not being able to use my powers.

"Keep it together," I think to myself. "You can do this." I don't last very long.

"Elsa!" Anna calls through the door.

"WHAT?!" I yell. "Oh no," I think. The room is now covered in a thin layer of ice, and it could get worse. The door opens.

"Oh Elsa," Says Anna. "It's driving you insane not being able to use your powers isn't it."

I nod. "A little." Anna bites her lip thinking. Her eyes light up.

"What if, every now and then, you go back to your ice palace? You know, to keep using your powers and stuff?"

I shake my my head. "No Anna," I say. "I have a kingdom to run. I can't just stop everything and leave!"

Anna sighs, thinking of a solution. "Kristoff and I can watch the kingdom while you're gone!"

I laugh. "You and Kristoff, in charge? I'd put Olaf in charge before entrusting you two!"

"But you need it!" Anna exclaims.

I decide to give in. "Fine." I say. "Two weekends a month, starting this weekend. Happy?"

"Very" anna says smugly.

"I'm trusting you and Kristoff. Don't mess this up please," I say.

"I promise I won't!" Anna shouts, running out of my room.

(A/N: just so you guys know, I started this fanfic a while ago, and have it posted on Instagram. My writing gets a lot better around chapter 5.)

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