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2 months later

Anna's POV:

I pull William out of his cradle, and he stops crying. He usually sleeps through nights, but hasn't been wanting to lately.

Kristoff finally takes the pillow he's had to his ears off and rolls over. He opens his eyes and blinks a few times before getting up as well and comes over to where I'm rocking William

"I'll take him," he says, "you can go back to sleep."

"You took care of him last night." I whisper. "I take tonight."

He shrugs, but doesn't argue. He gets back in bed and soon begins to breath deeply. William soon is sleeping again and I get back into bed, snuggling up next to Kristoff.

As the sun is starting to come up, I hear a noise coming from down the hall. I walk quickly and end up in front of jacks room. Carefully opening the door, I peek inside.

Jack has maps and artifacts and laws thrown around the room. I throw the door open.

"What are you doing?!" I shout.

He stops and looks at me, glaring. Looking around him, I can practically see the gears in his brain working to come up with an excuse.

"I've been looking through these to see if I can find something to jog my memory." He finally says.

Typical excuse. I leave him to his mess and run back to Kristoff.

"Something's wrong with jack" I say, shaking him awake.

"What?" He says,"what happened?"

After Explaining the situation to him, I ask, "Kristoff, that dart that made his hair black and his eye gold. What else did it do to him?"

We go down to the library to look for an answer.

Jacks POV

"That was close" pitch says.

"I know," I reply.

I continue to shift through the papers to find a weakness.

"For goodness sake jack, just kill them!" Pitch says.

"There has to be another way to get revenge other than killing them." I reply.

"No" argues pitch, "there is no other way. You can start by getting rid of that baby Elsa's carrying."

"Why?" I ask. "No questions," says pitch. "Kill it tonight while Elsa sleeps."

I nod. "Ok." I say. "I trust you."

"Excellent" says pitch.

Elsa's POV

As I fall asleep, I think of nothing. I've been on bed rest for 2 months. And I haven't had to see jack.

I start to drift off, but my door creaks open. In the dim hall light, I see a silhouette. It looks like a man with spiked hair. It's jack.

I lean back against my pillows and try to sleep. I don't care anymore. But just seeing him makes the numbing in my heart fade a bit. I bite my lip to keep from crying. Jack enters the room and comes to my side of the bed.

"I'm so sorry." He says.

He remembers!

"Jack I'm so happy to hear that!" I exclaim. "I thought you'd never remember!"

"I do remember." Says jack. "You and your family are monsters. You killed pitch. And now I have to kill your baby."

I don't understand. Why would he want to kill our baby?

"Jack no!" I screech.

He grabs my wrist, and I try to wriggle away, but can't.

"Anna!" I scream.

Jacks POV

I know that scream. My mind is taken to the enormous ball room, and I see a little girl screaming to her sister, who is a lifeless looking heap in snow.

I let go of Elsa's wrist, and my mind is taken through memories. Me kissing Elsa and then leaving for 4 years. Me coming back to her. Us having our first real kiss. Us having a snowball fight in her castle. Elsa introducing me to anna and Kristoff. Me proposing. Elsa in her wedding dress. Me scaring her in the garden. Me finding out I'm going to be a father. Me jumping to save Elsa from something dark.

I come back, and Elsa is scrambling out of bed, to look for help.

"Elsa?" I say, looking at her. A giant wave of relief washes over her face.

"Jack." She says.

I start to go to her but stop in my tracks.

"What are you doing?" Pitch hisses inside my head. "You have to kill that baby."

"No" I tell him. "That baby is mine."

"Do it!" He screeches.

"No" I start to say, but my mind clouds over.

I forget what happened. All I know is that I have to kill Elsa's baby. I pull the knife out of my pocket and lunge at her. She screams and runs for the door, but I beat her to it. I lock it and grin at her.

"Please jack," she whispers.

I look at her and she slowly goes down to the ground, hands up in surrender. I move forward, but see that I'm frozen to the ground. I can't move. Elsa looks up sadly to me.

"You can't do this" she says.

I break the ice and lunge at her again. She shoots ice at me again and scrambles backward. I almost have her cornered when the door bursts open.

"Jack!" Kristoff yells. "This isn't you!"

"The cave you woke up in," Anna says, "me and Elsa were being kept there. You battled pitch to save us. He put us there. He shot a black dart at you, and it hit you in the back. Kristoff took it out of you and shot it into pitch. That dart is the only thing that can kill an immortal."

Kristoff picks it up from there. "Your hair turned black, your eyes turned gold. And you lost your memory. In order to create that dart, pitch had to use some of himself to make it deadly. He didn't know you were mortal. So instead of killing you, the part of him in the dart got to your brain. He brainwashed you. He is the real enemy."

I look into the mirror on Elsa's dresser and see my hair fading to a light grey. Maybe these people are right.

"These people are fools jack!" Pitch says.

"Fools" I think.

I recognize that too. Once again I get flooded with memories. Pitch trying to kill me. Pitch teaming up with Hans. Pitch kidnapping anna and Elsa. Pitch throwing that dart at me. He is the dark force I saved Elsa from.

I come back to reality and see everyone looking expectantly at me. I start to go towards them and collapse.

Pitch is trying to take over. I fight it, but don't know how long I can. I'm tired. I start to give in.

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