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Elsa's POV

I wake up to the baby kicking against me. It's never done this before, and I wake jack, excited, and slightly annoyed.

"Jack!" I say, shaking him. "You've got to feel this!"

Groggily he flops his hand to my stomach, then sits up straight.

"Woah!" He exclaims. "Well now that we're awake, we should start packing up."

Jack hops out of bed, then gives me a hand as well. For only being 5 months along, I'm getting big. Bigger than anna was at 5 months at least.

We pack anything and everything we might need for even just one night. I give anna and Kristoff specific instructions, and tell them that rapunzel and Eugene should be there the next morning.

Even though he thinks I can't see it, jack makes a big point of imitating me from behind, putting his stomach out as far as he could, mouthing everything I was saying, and flipping an imaginary braid over his shoulder. Not only can I see that anna and Kristoff are laughing, but I can also see him in the mirror that was behind anna and Kristoff. I'd get him back for that later. Jack scoops me up and we fly to the ie castle.

We decide that for old times sake, we should have a snowball fight. An extremely long snowball fight.

Anna's POV

Kristoff and I are playing with William in our room when a guard comes in to tell us that rapunzel and Eugene are will be here late tonight.

When we wake up the next morning to greet them to greet them however, something in the sky stops us in our tracks. I pull away from my hug with rapunzel and look up.

There's something in the sky. Something black. Something big. It quickly flies away however, and we go along our day as usual.

Jacks POV

"I'm tired" Elsa says after lunch. "I'm going to take a nap."

She goes up the stairs and leaves me at the table. I can't blame her, I know she's tired and uncomfortable, but I wish she could still do everything he used to before she became pregnant. But what can I do? An idea hits me, and I get to work.

A few hours later, I've made a meal for Elsa with all of her favorite foods, and have decorated the balcony just for the heck of it. I also make her a new ice dress, one that will hopefully fit her.

I sit and watch the stairs, waiting for her. She groggily emerges on the stairway, and I give her the dress and send her back up.

"What is this for?" She asks as I push her back into our room.

"You'll see." I say.

I wait next to the door and sigh with relief when she comes out.

The dress fits her, so I won't have to deal with her complaining that it was too small, and how she misses being skinny, or that it was too big, and that I must think she's fat.

I bow dramatically to her and offer her my arm. Laughing, she takes it. Walking her to the balcony, I watch her face in the corner of my eye. She lights up.

"Jack" she says, her mouth hanging open.

I've set a table for us with candles and a bouquet for her. I push in her chair for her and show her what I've prepared. A look of awe on her face, she gapes at the food. Then she shakes her head.

"What did you break jack?" She asks.

"Nothing!" I say, laughing.

She doesn't look convinced.

"Then what DID you do?" She says, raising an eyebrow."

"Well, I spent three hours cooking for you and making the balcony look nice," I say.

She smiles at me, and leans across the table and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you" She says. Blushing a bit, I reply," I know you're not super comfortable or happy right now, so I decided to do something special for you." She smiles even bigger.

She giggles as she says, "When did you get so romantic?"

Kristoff's POV

after the sun sets, and both Coralynn and William are put to bed, anna, rapunzel, Eugene and I sit in the sitting room, talking.

A guard bursts in. "Something's outside. You need to check it out"

we run out to the gates and look around.

"I don't see anything." Anna says. But I see it.

"Look up" I say.

Everyone looks at the sky. The big black object is back. It circles, then comes lower and lower to the ground. We start to run, when a voice calls out to us.

"Hey," it says, "hang on a minute."

We all stop and look suspiciously. I gasp. The black object has landed in the courtyard. And it's not an object, it's a dragon.

A figure dressed in black gets off a saddle that's on the dragon. It takes it's helmet off. A man with brown hair and black armor stares at us. His next words are confusing and a bit terrifying.

"My name is Hiccup. The man in the moon sent me here. I need your help."

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