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Kristoff's POV

I run down the hall and down the stairs, waking half the castle by doing so. I run into Elsa, who is already up and ready for the day, even though it's barley dawn.

"Elsa," I say, out of breath. "Anna... Baby..." I gasp.

Elsa realizes what I'm trying to say and runs ahead of me to get the doctor.

I rush back upstairs to be with Anna. Opening our door, I see her curled up on our bed in pain. Not knowing what to do, I awkwardly rub her back until the doctor arrives. Elsa and I are told to leave. I resist, but one look from Elsa tells me I'd better do what the doctor says.

We sit in the hall, waiting. The sun begins to rise. We still wait. Another 10 minutes goes by, the door stays closed. Elsa puts an arm around me.

"It'll be fine" she says encouragingly. I smile, trying to believe it.

The door creaks open, and I jump up off the floor. The doctor lets me into the room, then leaves.

In the morning light, I see Anna in our bed, holding a bundle wrapped in blue. She smiles down at it, then up at me.

"Hi" she whispers.

"Hi" I say back.

I climb onto the bed and sit next to her. A blonde baby sleeps in Anna's arms.

"We have a son" she says. "What should we name him?"

"William?" I ask.

Smiling, Anna looks down at our baby and says. "Hello William."

She holds her arms out to let me hold him. My vision gets blurry, and I starts crying.

Anna's POV

I watch tiredly as Kristoff holds our beautiful son. He begins to tear up, so I put a hand on his arm. We sit there for a few moments in our perfect world, when the door opens. Elsa and jack emerge, smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations!" Jack says.

Elsa stays quiet, but comes over to my bed, and hugs me tight. When she pulls away, we see jack holding William, making faces at him.

Laughing a bit, we all begin to talk. And for that moment, everything is perfect.

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