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Anna's POV

I've never been so happy to have the gates closed and the palace so closely guarded before. Since being kidnapped, Elsa and I haven't been left alone once. Elsa hates it, but I don't mind having everyone wait on me, especially Kristoff.

Since we've been back, and since I'm bedridden, he's waited on me hand and foot. The cold temperatures me and Elsa were kept in made me extremely sick, and I've been stuck in bed as a precaution for the baby so I don't get worse.

Kristoff comes into our room and sits next to me on our bed "How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine" I reply, smiling.

"How are you?" He asks to my belly, rubbing his hand over it. Laughing, I pull his arms around me and together we look out the window.

Sighing, I say, "what if I don't make a good mother?" Kristoff pulls away and looks at me.

"Anna," he says. "Your going to be the best mother in the world."

"But what if I'm not?" I question. "I'm too loud and childish. I won't be the type of mother our child will need." Kristoff brushes a tear off my cheek.

"You will be an amazing mother. You will mess up. I will too, but we will figure this out together."

Smiling, I throw my arms around him and hug him tight. He always knows just what to say.

Elsa's POV

I'm walking around the gardens that night when I start to feel a little dizzy. Not knowing why, I continue my walk.

Suddenly I hear a noise. I don't know what it is, so I prepare to freeze someone. As I concentrate, the leaves rustle in the tree above me. White flashing before my eyes, I stumble back and scream. Jack Flips out of the tree, and rolls around on the ground laughing.

The fall I took is making me hurt in my middle though, and I wince trying to stand up. Jack stops laughing.

"Elsa?" He asks. I feel a bit light headed. "Elsa?" He asks more urgently. I feel him catch me as I fall to the ground.

Jacks POV

"Elsa" I yell, running to catch her. I scoop her limp body up, and check that she's still breathing. She is.

I hurry back to the castle and put her on our bed. Someone gasps behind me. Turning around, I see a dark figure in the doorway, but I know it's Anna due to her large belly.

"Anna, get the doctor." I say urgently. She nods and runs downstairs, emerging a few minutes later with the doctor.

By now, a crowd of staff has gathered in the room, as well as Olaf, Kristoff, and Anna. The doctor shoos everyone out, even me. He shuts the door in my face.

After what seems like an eternity, the door opens, revealing the doctor.

What he says scares me beyond compare. "Jack, I need to talk to you."

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