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Elsa's POV

I wake up to pounding on my door.

"Queen Elsa!" Says the knocker. "Are you in there?" Panicked, I realize that jack is still in my room, and how this will look.

"Yes!" I call. "But don't come in!"

Footsteps tell me that they have gone away. I take a deep breath. Jack starts to laugh.

"What?" I say defensively.

"You're so cute when your being uptight," he says matter of factly.

I glare at him for a moment, and then join into his laughter. We curl up together on the windowseat to watch the sun rise. I sigh and get up within a few minutes though.

"I have to get ready for the day," I tell jack. He immediately frowns.

"Oh ya" he says. "Your the queen. How will we be able to see each other?" I bite my lip, thinking. Then an idea hits me.

"Every other weekend, to keep my powers under control, I go to my ice castle. We can be together then!" I say.

Jack thinks this over for a moment and then says, "ok, I like it. But you'll have to introduce me to your sister at some point."

"I know." I say. "I will." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Until then," he says, and flies out the window and into the sky.

--5 days later--------------

Anna's POV

I still don't know why Elsa was so sad last week, but she seems much happier now. Good thing too, because the wedding is tomorrow, and I need her help.

"Elsa!" I yell. "I need help choosing flowers!"

"You already chose flowers," Elsa says. "Remember? The pink tulips and white roses?"

"But I'm scared they won't be perfect!" I screech.

Elsa giggles. "They ARE perfect, and so are you. Everything will be fine," she says. I take a deep breath.

"I hope so," I say.

"I know so," says Elsa. "Now go to bed. Tomorrow's a big day.

I wake up to the sun streaming through mg window, and the birds chirping. I smile to myself. Today I will be married to my Kristoff.

Suddenly Elsa and my cousin rapunzel burst into the room, completely ready.

"Come on anna!" Rapunzel yells at me. "It's a big BIG day!"

She pulls me by the feet out of my bed and into the bathtub.

Elsa sings and smiles as they get me ready, and within an hour, I'm ready to be married. My face is glowing, my tiara glittering, and I'm super exited.

Elsa runs her hand along the lacy, sparkly fabric of my wedding dress and creates subtle but beautiful ice patterns in my dress.

Rapunzel secures a final pin in my hair, and turns me around to see myself in the mirror. I gasp at myself. All flaws are gone. Rapunzel and Elsa worked wonders.

Elsa sniffles a bit and says, "now let's go get my baby sister married."

Kristoff's POV

Eugene and Sven look at me like I'm crazy as I pace my room, babbling like I'm insane.

"What if she changes her mind? What if she thinks I look bad? What if-"

"Kristoff!" Eugene yells at me. "You're going to be just fine. I promise."

"How could you possibly know that?" I ask him.

"Because I've done this too, remember? I was so nervous before I married rapunzel, but once everything was underway, I was fine, and you will be too." He tells me.

I look to Sven for approval, and he nods at me. I breathe deeply.

"Okay." I say. "Let's do this.

We go downstairs and go to the cathedral, where our wedding is being held. I walk through the doors and take my place, waiting for my bride to come down the isle. We wait for what seems to be an eternity, then the bridesmaids come down the isle. I'm glad to see rapunzel and Elsa's familiar faces among them. And then the moment arrives. The doors open and all the sudden I don't know how to breathe. Anna is practically glowing, she looks absolutely gorgeous. As she makes her way down the isle, I have to make sure my mouth is closed so I don't drool. We meet in front of the priest, and the ceremony begins. Before I even know it, the priest pronounces us prince and princess of arendelle, and I kiss Anna. Every time I kiss her, I feel electricity, making me want to kiss her over and over. But she pulls away, and starts chatting with other guests though. I'm not too sad however. I just married Anna.

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