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Anna's POV

Merida tells us about last nights visitation.

"Pitch and Gothel are out to get world domination... Again. They're going to try and destroy our homes and everyone we love in order to destroy us. They're going to start with berk, and end with arendelle. They haven't started yet, but they will soon." She says in just a few breaths.

"Wow" I say when she's finished. "I guess were going to berk."

We all look to hiccup, since berk's his home, but find his seat empty.

Hiccups POV

I run as fast as I can to my room. Today's letter is waiting for me.

"Hiccup, something strange is going on. The dragons are acting weird, as if they can almost sense something going on. Even your mother seems worried. I know I was upset when you left, but I'm sorry. I know you're busy. We need you to come home though. I think something's coming. -astrid."

I run my fingers through my hair. I get a paper and pen, and begin writing.

"Astrid, I know exactly what's going on. It's a guardian deal. All of us are coming soon. Be ready to protect yourselves. I love you. It will be ok, I promise. Love, hiccup"

I seal it and give it to the guard standing next to my room. As I hand it to him, I see the rest of the group running down the hall.

"Are you ok hiccup?" Rapunzel asks. I nod.

"Let's get ready to go though." I say. "I don't want to leave berk in danger."

I leave them at my room and walk down to the stables. I've never felt this way before. I'm more determined. More anxious. More focused.

I open toothless's gate and get him saddled. Running back to my room to pack, I tell everyone to be ready to leave in a few minutes. I throw a few things into my bag, and head back to toothless.

Everyone else is down and saddling horses in a matter of minutes. William and Coralynn are being handed to maids who will watch over them while were gone.

Rapunzel and Eugene mount Maximus, Kristoff and anna get on Sven, and Merida takes off early on her horse. I look to jack and Elsa.

"I'll carry Elsa there," jack says, "riding a horse wouldn't be comfortable for her"

Elsa nods in agreement.

Alright then," I say. "Let's go"

Jack's POV

We land on a cloudy island. I set Elsa down, but keep her close. This place is creepy. Hiccup gets off toothless and lets out a deep breath.

"There's something really wrong," he says.

The town is empty, except for a few dragons here and there. All is quiet, until a door of a house in the middle if town flies open.

"Hiccup!" A blonde girl yells.

She runs to hiccup, and throws her arms around him. Is this his sister or something? Obviously not, since she begins to kiss him without any restraint. When they break away, hiccup introduces her.

"This is astrid," he says. "My girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you." Elsa says, stepping forward to shake her hand.

"Wow your pregnant and here to fight?" Astrid asks.

Elsa nods. Astrid looks at her for a moment.

"That's so cool!" She exclaims. "Come on!" She says.

We follow her into the house she came out of, and find our rooms. A noise outside gets us outside extremely quickly. An army of black horses made of sand come charging down the mountain.

"Astrid tell everyone to stay inside." Hiccup says, she nods and begins barging into homes. The horses get closer, their eyes red with hate.

A sheep is in their path, and a horse passes through it. The sheep shakes, then disintegrates. All that's left of it is a pile of bones. Anna gasps, but gets a sword and runs up to them.

"Anna!" Kristoff yells.

She slices through a horse, but nothing happens. She then cuts the red eyes out, and the horse falls to it's original form of a pile of sand. She does it to another, and another.

Everyone else joins her, except for me and Elsa. She shoots Ice from her hand, freezing a horse. I smash it with my staff. We're making good progress, but there's a lot of them.

We're finally getting the the last of them, and Elsa and I take down the last one. We all stand, breathing heavily. Elsa's walking away from the group, so I run and catch up with her.

"You were amazing," I say, kissing her cheek. She grimaces for a moment. "Do I smell that bad?" I ask, pretending to be offended.

She laughs a bit, then tenses up again.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." She says, forcing a smile. "I'm great."

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