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K so before I start this chapter I'm telling you I'm gonna be opening up two new POVS, hiccup and rapunzel!! I won't be doing Merida, because I haven't seen brave enough times to know how her personality and emotions work, and while Eugene is an awesome character, I feel like him and rapunzel are very similar, and he's not as dominant of a character, so only Rapunzels POV will be necessary. They won't be as frequent as jack's Elsa's Anna's or Kristoff's, but they'll still be there. Skip hiccups POV In this one if you haven't seen httyd2. A big spoiler in there. So here ya go!!

Elsa's POV

After saying yes to joining the team, I leave the table, and leave everyone else there. I need to think. I go upstairs to my room, and sit on the edge of the bed.

The adrenaline from earlier has worn off, and now I feel just as numb as when jack couldn't remember me. I lay back and sigh, looking up at the ceiling. The door opens.

"I don't want to go play outside with Olaf right now Anna," I say.

"Well as soon as Anna comes up asking about that, I'll tell her" jack says, sitting next to me. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm scared." I say. "I'm not sure I'm cut out for this."

Jack laughs, falling onto his back, looking up at the ceiling with me.

"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard." Jack says.

"I'm not qualified" I say.

"Then I'm the worst person possible for this job" he says.

He listens to me as I voice all of my complaints, telling me words of encouragement at the right times. I'm almost convinced, when a tiny foot pounding on me reminds me of something.

"Well what about the baby?" I say, sitting up. "I'm fine for now, but what if we have to fight pitch and Gothel when I'm almost due?"

Jack sits up too, putting an arm around me.

"I was wondering how long it'd take you to remember," he says, laughing a bit.

I frown at him, and start to get up.

"No wait Elsa," jack says. "I'm sorry. Just do what you can. When your getting closer, you'll stop. Everyone will understand."

"But then I'll just sit here, and you'll be off fighting, and I won't know if you'll make it back or not-" I get cut off.

"If you're not out there, I won't be either" he says, smiling at me.

I look out our window. It's getting dark, the sky a deep royal blue.

"You want something to eat before bed?" Jack asks. I shake my head.

"I'm ok" I say.

We change into our pajamas and crawl into bed. I start to drift off when jack puts a hand on my ever growing tummy.

I smile and don't push him away. I fall asleep to the sound of him talking to the baby, telling it about everything me and it's super cool daddy are going to do.

Rapunzels POV

I walk down the hall of the guest wing after a girls night with anna. I cringe as I open the door to our room, knowing what I will find. Eugene isn't good at picking up after himself, not to mention Coralynn.

But as I peer into the dim room, the bed is made, diapers aren't all over the floor, and there's not a broken glass item in sight. I can't see Eugene or Coralynn, but the door to the balcony is open.

As I near it, I hear soft singing. I peek outside. Eugene is softly rocking Coralynn, singing a song about a twinkling star. When he finishes that one, he still doesn't know I'm there. He starts singing another song. A song we sang together when he took me to see the lanterns. I hardly ever see this side of him, he usually likes to goof off all the time.

I join in on the last part, startling him. He finishes, and I take Coralynn and put her to bed. I come out again to the balcony and put my arms around him. We look up at the sky.

"That was so sweet Eugene" I whisper. "

"It was pretty nice," Eugene says.

I can feel him smile.

"So what happened?" I ask. "Why is our room actually clean?"

"Coralynn just wanted me to hold her the whole time," he says. "Drank a bottle, but that was about it."

I grin up at him. He's the best thing I could ever want.

Hiccups POV

I open up yet another letter from astrid back home. I've been gone for a week, and when I got here yesterday, 12 letters were waiting for me from her. I told her to keep me updated, but this is a bit much.

I open the final one. "Hiccup. Not a whole lot going on today. We had another dragon race, (I won of course). Your mother is being a big help with teaching younger kids to ride and connect with dragons. The statue of your father is almost done. We all miss him. Come home soon, I miss you. Tell toothless hi. Love, astrid."

I smile. At least this one was more short and to the point. It was more sweet than informative. I know she's upset though. I was planning to propose to her, and she knew it. Not because I told her, I'm just not good at being subtle. But I was visited by the man in the moon the night before I planned to propose, so everything got messed up.

I miss her though. A lot. And I miss berk too. A wave of homesickness washes over me, and for the first time since my fathers funeral, I cry myself to sleep.

Jack's POV

I wake up to Elsa snoring. The curtains are drawn, so I get up to open them. Rain. I haven't seen rain around here in a while. Rapunzel will love it. She adores rain.

Not waking Elsa, I go downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. Hiccup is the only other one up, and is eating a breakfast that smells like rotting fish. I decide not to make that comment however. His eyes are red and puffy, it's obvious he spent the night crying.

We sit in silence until Anna and Kristoff join us as well. Anna starts talking up a storm, as usual, and Kristoff busies himself with feeding William mashed bananas.

After a while, rapunzel and Eugene come in too. Elsa finally emerges, still in her nightgown. She looks exhausted. She rubs her swollen belly absently and flops down in the chair next to me. We all laugh 5 minutes later when her head falls to the table and she begins to snore again.

One chair is still empty however. Breakfast is almost over when the doors burst open. Merida flies in, her tangled red curls even more wild than usual. Like Elsa, she's still in her nightgown. She doesn't sit down.

"The man in the moon visited me last night," she says. "There's trouble."

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