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Anna's POV

Kristoff shakes me awake. It still dark outside. Why am I awake right now?

"What do you want," I grumble.

"I thought you'd want to see this," he says, pointing out the window.

I look outside our window, and see millions of stars, falling from the sky.

"It's beautiful" I whisper.

We sit up and watch the meteor shower, his arms wrapped protectively around me. I soon fall back asleep, and wake up again when it's actually light outside.

Climbing out of bed, my feet ache. As thrilled as I am that I get to become a parent soon, I'm sick of this baby making me feel like a watermelon.

Kristoff comes into the room, eating a roll. I gape at him.

"You got food without me?" I shout at him.

Laughing, he puts his arm around me and helps me downstairs to get some breakfast of my own.

Elsa's POV

Waking up, I see jack still beside me, fast asleep. A wave of nausea hits me, but I breathe deeply, refusing to get sick this morning. Why didn't anyone tell me being pregnant would mean being sick? Anna didn't have this problem!

My movement wakes jack, and he smiles and pulls me close, putting his hand on the very small bump beginning to form in my middle.

"Morning love" he says.

"Morning." I say back.

Together we head downstairs for breakfast. Well, he gets breakfast. I can't keep anything down in the mornings anymore, so I have some water instead.

We walk into the dining room to see anna stuffing her freckled face with all her favorite breakfast foods. Laughing at her appetite, I sit down.

Rapunzel and Eugene enter the room as well, rapunzel holding Coralynn in her arms.

We eat in peace until a guard comes into the room, and whispers something in my ear.

Jack and I hurry down to the dungeon, to the cell where Hans is being held. The wall to the outside has been blown through. Hans is gone. Black sand covers the floor, which can only belong to pitch. This event leads to a horrifying, but true conclusion. Hans has escaped, and pitch is alive and helping him.

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