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Jacks POV

Elsa and I go back up to breakfast, stunned. How could pitch be alive?

"Jack, you did kill him right?" Elsa asks quietly.

"I guess not," I say. I replay everything that happened that day in my mind. We got to the cave, we argued with Hans and pitch, Kristoff fought Hans, I battled pitch, I froze him, and broke him to pieces. He couldn't really be back and alive, could he?

Elsa nudges my foot under the table. I look up to see everyone staring at me.

"What?" I ask. Everyone laughs.

"Where did you and Elsa go?" Eugene asks.

Looking at Elsa, I cautiously say, "oh, we just had some foreign business to take care of. Nothing much"

Kristoff and Eugene give me glances that say that they're not buying it. Anna and rapunzel are oblivious however.

We finish breakfast in peace, but as soon as we leave the table, Kristoff and Eugene corner me.

"What's really going on?" Kristoff asks.

Looking down the hall to see that nobody's listening, I say, "follow me."

We go down into the dungeon. Kristoff and Eugene's mouths drop open in unbelief.

"Pitch is alive, and broke Hans out of here." I explain. "You can't tell anyone, especially anna and rapunzel."

They both nod in understanding. Solemnly we go back upstairs, heading our separate ways through the castle.

Kristoff's POV

Eugene and rapunzel head back for corona within an hour, and with Eugene not giving a reason to rapunzel, the farewell doesn't go very well.

By the time they leave, Anna is a wreck, and I have to carry her up to our room and put her in bed. I leave her to nap in peace for a while, and come back up to check on her. I open the door, and she looks at me, tears streaming down her face.

"Kristoff!" She wails, running to me. I look at her. Is she hurt? is the baby coming? why is she upset? The only unusual thing in the room is the open window.

"What's wrong?" I ask urgently. She babbles for a few minutes

"Slow down, and talk," I say, brushing her tear soaked hair out of her face. She takes a deep breath. "

"H-h-Hans" she says, and begins wailing again.

"Hans? Was he here? Did he threaten you?" I shout, holding her at arms length.

She nods, and sobs even more.

"H-he said that he's going to kill me and the baby when it's born," she screeches.

Holding her tightly to my chest, anger boils inside me. He will not touch her or our baby.

"Anna. Anna listen to me," I say. "He won't touch you or the baby. He won't get you. I promise."

Nodding, anna wipes her tears away and takes a few deep breaths.

"Okay." She says. She finally cracks the tiniest bit of a smile. "I'll just keep the baby in here as long as possible, just to be safe."

Laughing, I kiss her hair and tuck her into bed before getting in myself.

Anna's POV

I wake up a little before dawn, for the first time since I can remember. I look at Kristoff's sleeping face and smile. I lay there, happy to just think for a few moments, before a pain in my middle comes out of nowhere.

"Ignore it anna," I think to myself. "It's probably nothing."

But it's not nothing. The pains come sharp and fast, making me wince. I can't take it anymore.

Another sharp pain.

"Kristoff!" I say, shaking him awake.

He grumbles a bit and starts to pull a pillow over his head, but I take it from him.

"What?" He mumbles.

"The baby's coming." I say, clutching my middle.

His eyes open wide, and he jumps out of bed.

"What? Now?" He screeches." I nod in pain.

"Yes now. Go get the doctor"

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