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Elsa's POV

"J-jack?" I ask, not even believing he's actually here. "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you," he says. I immediately wanted to jump up and throw my arms around him, but my relief and happiness is soon taken over with anger, sadness and abandonment. I cross my arms and glare at him.

"After 4 years of leaving me, wondering what I did wrong, you think you can just swoop in and say hi, and everything will be all better?" I spit at him. He looks taken back.

"No. I know it won't be better, but I'm willing to try. I'll start with apologizing, Elsa, I'm so sorry I left you" he said. He stops after that and looks to me hopefully. I won't give him that satisfaction right now.

"Left me? How about abandon!" I say, beginning to feel tears coming. "You ABANDONED me when I needed you most! My parents died. You never showed up! I needed you, and you didn't care!"

Jack's POV

I want to cry, hearing how she feels about all of this. Of course I care, but I'm immortal, falling in love with someone who is mortal. I cant do that to myself or her. But I cant tell her that.

"I-" I start to say, but she cuts me off.

"No jack. No. No more. You need to leave. Now." She says bitterly.

"But Elsa I-" I protest.

"LEAVE!" She yells.

I look at her, still beautiful even with tears streaming down her cheeks, and fly out the window. I look back once more, seeing her fling herself onto her bed sobbing, and I quietly fly away, tears of my own running down my face.

Anna's POV

"I'll take it!" I exclaim to the tailor.

I've been out wedding dress shopping, and after hours of searching, I've finally found the perfect dress. It's sleeveless, long and lacy, with rhinestones glittering in the fabric. It's breathtaking.

"Very well princess. You look stunning in it!" The seamstress tells me. I blush and look over to Elsa for approval, but she looks far away. Her eyes are bloodshot, her hair is out of place, and she looks miserable.

"Elsa?" I ask.

"What? Oh sorry anna. Yes get the dress. You look gorgeous. Kristoff is going to love it." She says, adding a feeble smile.

As we head back to the castle, Elsa is quiet. She walks through the gates and into the castle quietly. I'm worried for her.

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