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Jacks POV

"Jack." I groan and squeeze my eyes shut tighter, hoping the voice will go away.

"Jack." It says more forcefully. I pull my pillow over my head.

"Jack!" The voice is loud and clear now, but it's definently not Elsa's. I look over to see her still asleep.

"She won't wake up," the voice says. "Come out to the balcony."

Feeling like a puppet, I climb out of bed and walk out onto the balcony.

"Where are you?" I ask groggily.

"Look up." The voice says. I look up, but all I see is the bright moon.

"I don't see anything but the moon," I say.

"Then you see me." The voice tells me.

Suddenly I understand. The man in the moon is talking to me! I'm suddenly wide awake.

"Oh yes! Now I see you!" I say excitedly.

"Your wish will be granted," moon says.

Thinking for a moment, I can't remember what the wish even was. Then I remember, and happiness blooms inside me.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Why would I not be?" Moon asks, sounding a bit offended.

"Sorry," I say. "I'm just so happy."

"Are you sure you want to be human jack," moon says. "You will still have powers, but you will not be invincible. You will someday die."

"More sure than I've been of anything in my life." I say.

"Very well," says moon.

With that, I feel extremely weak and fall to the ground. I start to shake, and I see my reflection in the ice. My hair is flashing from brown to white, my eyes going from brown to blue. After what seems like forever, my hair turns back to white, my eyes back to blue. Maybe it didn't work. But then I notice that a very small section of hair by my ear fades back to brown, and the edges of my eyes, turn brown as well. It DID work! Becoming mortal makes you tired though, so I go back to bed and immediately fall asleep.

Elsa's POV

I wake up in the morning to seeing jack right up next to me.

"He's so adorable when he's sleeping," I think to myself. "His pale skin, his white hair, the small streak of brown in his hair- wait brown streak in his hair?! When did that get there? It wasn't there last night when he asked the moon..." Oh. Suddenly it clicks. the man in the moon must have turned him mortal! I want to shake jack and wake him up, but I know that he must be exhausted. So instead I sit there and watch him sleep until he wakes up.

Finally his eyes crack open.

"Creepy much?" He asks when he sees me starring at him.

"Hm. Maybe just a bit." I say. "So, got anything to tell me?" Looking confused, jack says,

"no..." But then I see recognition in his eyes and he jumps out of bed to reenact the story of becoming mortal.

We both get ready, and go on a walk.

"Elsa," he says to me.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Do you love me?" This takes me by surprise. Doesn't he already know I love him?

"Of course!" I exclaim.

He smiles to himself, and we keep walking. Later that night, as were talking on the balcony, jack suddenly gets quiet.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No." He says. "In fact, nothing could be better right this second."

I smile and begin to reply, but he puts his finger to my lips and says, "let me finish." I nod and listen. He takes a deep breath and says, "Elsa, even when you were a little girl, I knew I loved you. You were so special and perfect, but I couldn't ever tell you that, one because you were little, and two, because you were mortal and I was not. As you grew older, it became harder and harder to ignore my feelings for you, and by the time you were 18, I had to leave because I couldn't take my bottled up feelings anymore. But now here we are, I'm mortal, we love each other, and there's nothing standing in our way. Queen Elsa of arendelle, will you marry me?"

I wish I could have him repeat that whole thing. I loved it. But I have an answer to give.

"Yes!" I say, hugging him.

He smiles at me and pulls my head to his, kissing me. I pull away.

"Your coming home with me to arendelle." I say. "Now it's definently time for you to meet anna and Kristoff."

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