Ch. 26

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Jacks POV

I spend the night listening to pitches voice inside my head. He says that we were family when he was alive. He says he will help me. His voice sounds familiar, it's the first thing I'm starting to recognize.

When the sun begins to come through my window, I crawl out of bed and go downstairs. Pitch says I have to get close to this family before I can get revenge.

I sit down in the massive dining room with Kristoff.

"Where are Anna and Elsa?" I ask.

Kristoff gives me a side glance and picks at his food, saying, "Anna's still sleeping and I checked on Elsa before coming down. She's still crying in her sleep."

I look at my food. These people are good actors. But I know better now. "Ok" is my only reply.

Kristoff's POV

Looking at jack across the table, I can tell something's up, but he doesn't exactly look like he wants to talk about it.

I finish my food and head back upstairs, opening Elsa's door. She's sitting up in bed, and looking confused. Then realization hits her and she begins to cry again.

I sigh and walk over to her bed, and pull her into a hug. She wraps her arms around me and sobs even louder.

"He has to remember!" She wails.

I rock back and forth like I do while putting William to sleep. She calms down after a while, and I let her sleep. I go into my room where Anna is dressing William.

"How's Elsa?" She asks. I scratch my head.

"Not that great." I say.

Anna picks up little will, and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I think I'll go spend the day with her." She says.

"Do you want me to watch William?" I ask.

"No, I think Elsa will want to be able to hold him for a bit." She says.

She walks out the door. I realize I need to clear my head. I mount Sven, get my gear, and head to the mountains, the place I feel most safe.

Elsa's POV

"All of this stress isn't good for the baby." The doctor says. "You need to stay in bed for a while, and think about other things." The doctor packs up and leaves the room.

I sit in silence until anna quietly comes in, William in her arms.

"Elsa," she says cautiously. "How are you?"

I want to answer and say I'm fine, but I can't. I nowhere near fine. I'm almost 3 months pregnant with a baby who's father doesn't even know who he is. I've been captured twice, seen my sister almost die, and am having to run the kingdom on bed rest. I don't even remember how it felt to be happy.

As all these thoughts pour through my head, tears fall down my cheeks. Anna puts William down, and embraces me. She rubs my back in a way our parents did when we were upset as children. It's strangely soothing.

I stop crying, and Anna hands me will. I hold him close. He's jacks little best friend. He loved to play with him and toss him around. Instead of feeling sadness this time I think of him however, a numb feeling begins to take over my heart. It's a nice feeling. I don't feel so alone. In fact, I don't feel anything. I don't think I ever will again.

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