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Anna's POV

I wake up and am ready to go as the sun begins to peek above the fjord. I run to Elsa's room, and jump onto the lump underneath the covers on Elsa's bed.

"Come on Elsa get up!" I shout. "You promised you'd help me plan the wedding!"

Elsa mumbles, and rolls over. "Go away Anna."

"Nope!" I say. "You promised!"

Elsa sighs, and pulls herself out of bed. The wedding planning is underway.

Elsa's POV

"... And the flowers will go here, and the orchestra will go here..."

"Uh huh," I say, yawning. Why does Anna want me here? She obviously has the whole thing planned out herself already. Another hour has passed, and Olaf has come in to keep me company.

"Why haven't you found someone to love?" He asks innocently.

"Because no one can love someone like me," I say.

"Sure they can!" He says. "You're nice, talented, beautiful, who wouldn't want someone like you?"

"Oh let's start the guest list!" Says Anna, not knowing what's going on around her.

"Maybe someday," I say. " I guess I'm still waiting for someone to come back."

Olaf looks confused. "Who?" He asks.

I explain the story. "When I was a little girl, I had to lock myself away from everyone, except my parents. One night as I say crying in my room, a boy with white hair came to my window. His name was Jack Frost. He became my friend. He taught me how to control my powers, and I learned he had the same ones! He was there for me for a long time, years in fact. The night before my parents died, he kissed my cheek. He apologized, and left. I haven't seen him since. And I loved him."

"I'm sorry," says Olaf.

Jack's POV

I stop listening to Elsa talk. "I left her because I had to protect her," I tell myself. "But she thinks I'll never come back?"

I make a hasty decision, and decide to see her tonight. When the sky is a midnight blue, I fly up to her room, and see her reading a book.

I tap her window in a pattern that I used when she was little. Will she remember it? She looks up at me and stares. Her mouth drops open, and I fly into her room.

"Hi." I say almost in a whisper.

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