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Elsa's POV

As I sit in bed that night reading a book, I hear a soft tapping on my window. I look up and see jack. I totally forgot about him!

I jump up and run to my window, opening it and letting him in

"I am so sorry" I say.

"Where have you been all day?" He asks.

"Well anna told Kristoff she's expecting, so we've been helping him adjust to that." I say.

"Hmph" is all I get in reply. I turn him towards me and look him in the eye.

"It's gonna be fine. We'll tell them in the morning okay?"

He looks at me for a moment, then says, "okay"

He finally cracks that smile that I adore. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him lightly, but as I start to pull away, he puts his arms around me and goes for more. My hands go around his neck, but I end up tangling them in his hair instead. His hands travel up and down my back. I feel so alive when I kiss him. I realize we're both slowly moving in the direction if my bed, and I panic. I'm not ready for that yet. I pull away and open my eyes, seeing him with his eyes still closed, but eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His eyes open.

"What's wrong els?" He asks. Suddenly I feel embarrassed.

Shyly I say, "I'm just not ready to go that far yet. I want to wait until were married."

Smiling, he says, "that makes sense. I can respect that."

He kisses my check and says, can I at least sleep next to you?"

Laughing a little, I reply, "of course"

I climb into bed and he gets in next to me. I fall asleep curled up in his arms.

Jacks POV

I wake up the next morning with Elsa cuddled up beside me. How she looks amazing even while sleeping, I'll never know.

When she finally wakes up, I say, "so can we tell them now?"

"Not yet." She replies. "I have things I need to do this morning."

She gets ready and leaves to attend to her "queenly duties", but not before giving me a 20 minute lecture about what I can and cannot touch in her room, stressing that I can't leave until she comes to get me, and a bunch of other stuff I'll probably disobey too.

When she leaves, I deliberately go through the drawers she tells me not to, read her journal, and finish her puzzle that's on her nightstand.

She finally comes back up to get me. Panicking, I look around the room to see if she'll notice that I did everything she told me not to. The door opens, and I try to look casual.

"Ready?" She asks, not suspecting a thing.

"Of course your majesty," I say, bowing to her for effect.

Laughing she takes my hand and we go down to the sitting room, were a man with blonde hair is talking to a red haired woman about ice. Elsa clears her throat, and they look at us.

"Who is this?" The woman asks.

"Anna, Kristoff, this is jack." She says carefully. "Jack, this is my sister Anna, and her husband kristoff."

She stands back and let's the three of us eye each other. Kristoff looks at me somewhat approvingly, and anna seems like she's trying to make up her mind about if I can be trusted or not.

"Hello," I say. Elsa comes next to me and I put my arm around her. Anna raises an eyebrow.

"We have something to tell you," I say.

"We're getting married." Says Elsa.

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