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Jacks POV

I wake up to see snow falling outside our window. Sighing, I marvel at the beauty of it. It's almost as amazing as my own personal snowflake, Elsa. I look down at her lovingly, watching her smile as she sleeps. I brush a stray hair out of her face. Feeling my hand, she opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Hello" she says.

"Hey," I reply. I point out the window and say,

"look, it's snowing."

Wrapping my arms around her, we watch the flakes drift down.

"I can't believe how far we've come," she whispers.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"I've known you since I was a child. You went away for years, and came back. We fell in love, you became mortal, and now were married." She says.

I smile and think all of this over.

"Ya," I say. "It's pretty amazing"

Elsa's POV

As the morning wears on, I start to teach Jack how to run a kingdom. Watching him make a paper airplane out of a proposed law, I realize this will be a difficult task, since he apparently has the attention span of a goldfish.

"Jack," I say, exasperated. "You need to focus"

looking up at me, he replies, "or, we could have fun instead."

He gets up and pulls me to the ballroom. We make it snow, and have a snowball fight like we did at my ice castle. I forget all about my problems, and let myself have fun.

Anna's POV

As I sleep cuddled up next to Kristoff that night, I feel an arm wrap around me. Thinking it's Kristoff's, I don't shove it away. But that's a mistake. A hand clamps over my mouth, and I'm harshly pulled up and out of bed.

Terrified, I try to scream for Kristoff, who is still sleeping soundly, but the hand hits my windpipe, so only a squeak comes out. I struggle to see who this stranger could possibly be, but all I can make out is a dark hood.

After riding on a horse for what seems like an eternity, we arrive at a dark cavelike structure. The kidnapper pulls me off the horse, and drags me inside.

The cave is dimly lit by torches. I'm harshly shoved into a dungeon, and chained to the wall. The shackles dig into my wrists. I fall asleep against the rock wall, but am soon awakened to the sound of scuffling feet. Looking up, I see a familiar face being chained beside me.

"Elsa?" I whisper.

Elsa's POV

I didn't see it coming, but now here I am, in a dungeon, chained up next to my sister. I start to feel sorry for myself, then remember Anna. She's 7 months pregnant and was harshly kidnapped. That can't be good for her, or the baby.

I hear the faint whisper of anna saying my name.

"Anna" I whisper back. "Are you hurt? Is the baby ok?"

"I'm fine," she says, but the pained look on her face gives her away. I put my hand to her stomach, just in time to feel her baby kick.

"Still there" I say. We huddle together in the cold, and somehow manage to fall asleep. We are soon interrupted by two figures though. They step into the dungeon, and take off their cloaks. One of them is a dark haired, grey skinned, sickly looking man, and the other, isn't a shock at all.

"Hans" I say in disgust.

"Hello Elsa," he says evilly.

The grey man speaks to me. "Don't you know who I am?" He says.

"No" I reply.

"I am quite offended." He says. "Jack never mentioned me to you?"

"No," I once again say, confused.

He continues to explain. "Well, since he wasn't kind enough to tell you about me, I'll do it for you. My name is pitch. Pitch black."

Kristoff's POV

I wake up before the dawn. Feeling for Anna so I can cuddle her close to me, I feel confused. Where is she? I sit up. She's not in bed. Maybe she went up to see Elsa? Getting worried, I run to Elsa and jacks room, and throw open the door. Jack is still sound asleep, but Elsa is nowhere in the room.

"Jack" I exclaim, shaking him awake. "Anna and Elsa are gone."

Suddenly wide awake, Jack searches the room for Elsa.

"She's not here." I say. We wake the whole staff, and everyone looks for them. They aren't in the castle. "

"Someone must've kidnapped them!" Jack yells.

"We have to find them." I agree with jack.

After mounting Sven and riding out into the forest, following jack who is flying, I remember something that makes this all the more important. Anna is pregnant. She could get sick, and the baby could get sick. This could put her and the baby's lives at risk. I urge Sven faster. Looking for something, anything that looks suspicious, we finally stop in front of a cavelike structure.

Jacks POV

Nodding at Kristoff, we head into the cave. I hear footsteps and pull out my staff, ready to fight anyone who is holding my wife captive.

Two men step out of the shadows. One has red hair and an evil smile, the other is none other than pitch black. Kristoff obviously recognizes the red head.

"Hans" he growls. "Where's anna? Where's Elsa? Where are you hiding them?"

Trying to hide it, hans replies in a shocked voice, "why Kristoff, you actually think I would take them from you? I'm hurt."

"I've always wanted to take you down." Kristoff says. "Now I finally get to have that chance."

They begin sword fighting each other, which leaves me and pitch facing each other.

"Well well well." Pitch says. "If it isn't the new king of arendelle"

"what do you want pitch" I snarl. "Money? Fame? You won't get it by keeping them here."

Chuckling to himself, he replies, "of course not. But by killing them, it would destroy you and the blonde over there, which would bring arendelle to it's knees, making it all too easy for me and the red headed idiot over there to take over."

"You won't kill them," I say, then pull out my staff.

Our battle is a close one, our powers matching in strength. But in a small second of distraction, I'm able to knock him off his feet, and freeze him to solid ice. Breaking the ice with my staff, he shatters into thousands of small pieces.

I look over to Kristoff, who is standing next to Hans, sword tip at his chest. Hans puts his hands up in surrender. Chaining him to a wall, I look outside, hoping the guards will come so they can take him away.

I look behind me, and see Kristoff rush to Anna, who is chained and sitting against a wall. He puts a hand on her stomach, and begins to cry from relief of finding her. I smile and watch them for a moment, but once they start kissing, I give them some privacy.

I look over to my own wife, and smile at her attempt to look brave and okay. Pulling her to me, we both break down and begin to sob into each other's shoulders.

"I'll never let you go again." I mumble. Looking up at me, she wipes a tear off my face.

"You are so brave." She says. "I knew you would be a good king, it just would take a little time."

The guards finally arrive, taking Hans away. Later, after we arrive at the castle, Elsa and I go up to bed, even though it's morning.

As we fall asleep, our hands are intertwined, and I've pulled her close, so her head is on my chest. I've never felt so safe and scared in my life.

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