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Anna's POV
"Excuse me? I say, not believing what I'm hearing.

Elsa gets a worried look on her face as she says,

"yes. Jack an I are getting married." I look at Kristoff.

"I seem to remember a certain person saying that you can marry a man you just met" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"That's the thing," says jack. "We didn't just meet."

"What!?" I exclaim, jumping up from my seat.

"Sit down anna," Kristoff says, helping me sit back down.

"We've known each other for quite a while actually," Elsa says.

"Jack asked me last weekend to marry him, and I said yes."

Kristoff and I look at each other. Elsa is wringing her hands nervously.

Kristoff's eyes say, "it'll be fine anna"

my eyes reply, "no it won't"





we go back and forth.

Finally Kristoff stands up and shake jacks hand, saying, "congrats, I hope you two are very happy. Me and anna are excited for you. Aren't we Anna."

Looking at me with a look that says I better accept this, I sigh and say, "yes, I'm so happy for you."

I get up and hug Elsa, and hug jack.

But I say into his ear, "you hurt my sister, I kill you" I pull away, satisfied. Kristoff apologizes, and pulls me up the stairs to our room.

He closes the door and immediately turns to start lecturing me.

"Really anna?" He exclaims. "What was that!? You were more than happy to marry a man you just met, and at least Elsa has known him for a few months!"

"I'm just worried she's gonna get hurt!" I say, suddenly feeling emotional. I start to cry.

Kristoff's angry face softens and he comes over and puts his arm around me, letting me cry into his shirt.

"I'm sorry," I say in between sobs. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

Smiling, he replies, "it's ok. It's just because of the baby."

He puts his hand on the bump on my stomach.

"I'm tired," I say, like a small child.

"Come here" he says. I put my arms around him and he scoops me up, putting me to bed.

Kristoff's POV
As usual as of lately, I'm awake before anna. I look at her adorable face, pushing away her hair. I look down at her stomach, and rest my hand on it.

Feeling a thump against my hand, I panic and pull away.

"Anna," I say, shaking her awake.

"What is it?" She mumbles, not really awake.

"Something's happening with the baby!" I say.

Suddenly awake, she puts her own hand to her stomach. After a minute, her face goes from panic to relief. She puts my hand to her stomach.

"The baby's just kicking" she says.

Smiling, I feel it kick again. We sit there in bed for a few more minutes, talking about preparations for the baby.

Elsa's POV
I go downstairs after I get ready for the day, passing Olaf in the hallway, who is talking to a bee that got into the castle.

"Morning Olaf," I say happily.

"Morning!" He replies, giggling.

Reading in the library. Someone puts their hands over my eyes. Screaming, I jump out of my chair and look around me, finally spotting jack on the floor, rolling around in laughter.

"Stop!" I shout. "It's not funny!" I begin hitting him with my book.

"I'm sorry!" He gasps, "I'm sorry," but then looks at me and starts laughing again.

I finally give up, and laugh with him. He gets up, and we sit on the couch. I cuddle up next to him, and we sit there, just thinking.

"I can't wait to be married to you" he says, kissing my hair.

"Me too jack," I say. "It'll be amazing."

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