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Elsa's POV

I wake up tired and stressed. I was told by Kristoff last night that Hans has threatened to kill anna and William.

Looking over to jack, who is still sleeping, I get up and go downstairs.

Kristoff runs into the dining room, tears streaming down his face.

"They're gone!" He sobs.

I don't understand what he means.

"Hans took anna and William!" He cries.

Panic wells up inside me. Not only has anna and her baby been taken, but she gave birth yesterday. Her and that baby are in no shape to be traveling right now. We both run up and shake jack awake.

"What's wrong?" He mumbles.

"Anna and William are gone!" I shout.

Jumping out of bed, jack takes charge of the situation.

"Have the guards been notified?" He asks.

"Yes," Kristoff says.

"is there a search party organized?" Jack says

"Not yet" I reply. "I'll get one put together." He exclaims.

We spend the day looking at maps and sending out search parties. Well, jack and I do. Kristoff is sleeping on a couch, crying softly in his sleep. He clutches Anna's necklace and Williams blanket in his hands.

When it starts to get dark, jack spreads a blanket over Kristoff, and him and I go upstairs to bed.

I wait for jack to fall asleep, then get up, and get dressed. I write a brief note to jack, explaining where I'm going, and leave.

There is no way I'm going to sit back and let other people look for my sister without my help. I quietly get on my horse, and ride out to the forest.

Anna's POV

We ride all day and night, going deeper and deeper into the mountains, before we begin riding a trail that leads up a mountain. Wrapping little William tighter in his blanket, I try to keep him warm. We stop.

"Great" I think. "Another cave."

Hans at least has the decency to carry me into the cave. But the small act of chivalry doesn't last long.

He chains me to the wall, the rusty shackles digging into my skin, making them ache. He locks the metal door that keeps me in. I hear voices just out of sight. One is Hans' and the other I'm guessing is pitch. They emerge.

"Hello anna." Pitch says, his grey face wrinkling from a smile. "We've been through a lot of trouble to get you here."

"What do you want from a princess and her baby?" I exclaim.

Smiling, Hans says. "See pitch, I told you she wouldn't figure it out." He looks to me. "You see anna, you are the keystone to arendelle. The people love you. Your sister and husband would die for you. And jack will do anything that Elsa does. Now you have a baby, which makes you twice as valuable. If your gone, Elsa will fall apart. Kristoff will die from a broken heart, and jack doesn't know how to run a kingdom on his own. Arendelle would be vulnerable. We could swoop in and take over without a fight. And all we have to do is kill you and your son"

"you won't get away with this." I snarl as Hans walks away.

Pitch opens his mouth to speak, but a commotion outside stops him. Hans yells for help, but is silenced after a moment. pitch runs out to fight whatever's out there.

I carefully put sleeping William down, the run as far as my chains will let me, to see what's going on. Hans is on the ground, bleeding. He's not moving.

I can see a sword dripping with Hans' blood, but my chains keep me from seeing who the hand holding the sword belongs to.

After hearing a struggle for a few minutes, pitch comes back, dragging a motionless hooded figure behind him. He chains the figure next to me, then leaves. Who is this stranger? I pull the hood back and gasp.

Elsa. Elsa came to rescue me. Elsa killed Hans. Elsa was captured too. Elsa is as good as dead. I sigh, not knowing what to do, and embrace the death that is surely awaiting me.

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