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Anna's POV

We walk back to the castle, looking for Elsa. She's across the ballroom, laughing with Olaf. I take a deep breath as we approach her.

"Elsa!" I call out.

"Hi," she says, walking up to us. "Where did you two run off to?"

"We took a walk," says Kristoff. "And um, we have something to tell you."

She waits expectantly.

"We're, um," I say, looking to Kristoff.

"We're getting married." He says.

"Married?" Says Elsa, surprised.

"Only if you're ok with it!" I say.

"Let me think about it," she says, walking away.

"Oh, ok." I say.

"Well that went well," says Kristoff sarcastically.

I hit him in the arm.

"This is no time to joke Kristoff!" I exclaim, "we don't know if she'll say yes!"

"Calm down" says Kristoff. He leads me onto the dance floor, and we waltz around until Elsa returns.

Kristoff's POV

"Here she comes," I think to myself. She walks through the crowd and up to us. Her face is set in a frown.

"So?" Asks Anna hopefully.

"I'm sorry Anna," says Elsa. "I can't let you get married."

My heart falls, and I look to the floor so no one can see the tears forming.

Anna speaks up. "Oh my goodness Elsa you really had me for a second!"

I look back up, and see that Elsa's frown is faltering, giving way to a smile.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Exclaims Elsa.

Her and Anna hug, then Anna runs around the ballroom, telling everyone in her path.

"Thank you," I tell Elsa.

"You're welcome," she says. "Be good to her ok Kristoff?"

I nod. "Forever."

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