Ch. 2

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Anna's POV

"Bye Elsa!" I say as the gates close.

I wait until they click shut and run back to the castle so I can talk to Kristoff. In my hurry, I run into him in the hallway.

"Woah," he says as he catches me. "What's going on?"

"Elsa's left us in charge!" I exclaim.

"And that's exciting because..." Kristoff asks.

"We can do whatever we want!" I shout. "Throw a ball, go back up the north mountain, anything!"

"Slow down, says Kristoff. "If Elsa's left us in charge, we need to take it seriously. No ball, no north mountain. Got it?"

I frown. "You're no fun." I say.

"I know what will make you feel better," Kristoff says, wrapping an arm around me. "Let's go see Olaf."

Kristoff's POV

As we walk towards the library, I feel something bump around in my pocket, reminding me I need to make my move soon.

-------- 2 days later--------------

"Come on Kristoff we're going to be late!" Anna shouts, pounding on my door.

"Hang on a sec!" I shout back, shoving the ring back into my pocket. I open the door to Anna tapping her foot.

"Let's go!" She says, taking my hand. As we walk to meet Elsa at the gates, Anna babbles on about the ball we're throwing for Elsa tonight. "-oh and there'll be lots of icicles, and maybe Elsa will freeze the floor and everyone can skate!" The gates creak open, and Elsa walks in. "Elsa!" She shouts, running to her. "Welcome home!"

"Welcome back," I say with a lot less enthusiasm. As we walk back to the castle, I know I need to get this over with. "Anna," I ask, pulling her aside.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Uh, let's go over to the stables for a minute." We go inside. I scratch the back of my head. "I need to ask you a very important question," I say.

"Yes?" She asks, her eyes getting big with excitement.

"Uh, will you dance with me tonight at the ball?" I ask, wimping out. Anna's face falls.

"Of course," she says. She walks back to the castle, leaving me and Sven alone in the stables.

"Augh!" I shout, kicking a bucket. "I can't believe I just said that! I mean how hard is it to just say, 'Anna, I love you, please marry me?'"

Sven looks at me and rolls his eyes, practically saying, "I could have done a better job."

"You're not helping," I say. "You know what Sven, I'll do it for sure tonight at the ball." I smile triumphantly and head back the the castle.

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