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Elsa's POV

Jack and I return to arendelle late in the night, and sneak upstairs to bed. Jack and I are both waken in the morning by the door being thrown open. The sun is barely starting to peak over the fjord.

"Important meeting" Anna says. "Get up, get dressed, and come downstairs."

We get ready as fast as possible and go downstairs. Anna and Kristoff are in the war room, which can only mean this is a very serious matter.

At the table sits rapunzel, Eugene, Kristoff, Anna, and a brown haired man. There are three seats left. Two for me and jack, and one for someone else.

"Hiccup?!" Jack says, alarmed.

The brown haired man nods, and motions for us to sit down.

"Whats going on hiccup?" Rapunzel asks.

She knows him too? I sit down.

"Who here already knows this hiccup guy?" I say.

Rapunzel and jack raise their hands, but Kristoff, anna and Eugene look just as lost as me.

"How do you know eachother?" I ask.

They look at eachother across the table, and jack begins to speak.

"About 3 years ago, the man in the moon asked a team of brave souls to keep the world safe. All of the members had exhibited a extreme act of bravery. Rapunzel trusted a thief, defied evil, and was willing to sacrifice her life for another. Hiccup trained his kingdoms most feared predator, fought a monstrous dragon, lost his leg in the process, and saved his kingdom. A girl who hasn't shown up yet didn't settle to be forced into marriage. Her mother was turned into a bear, and she alone turned her back. And I was a mortal, but died to save my sister. The man in the moon brought me back to be a part of this team. That's why I was immortal."

I gape at jack.

Rapunzel clears her throat and begins to talk. "When I found out Elsa was engaged, I had no idea it was to jack. But when I did find out, we both had to keep quiet so we didn't blow our cover. But now there's a problem. A big problem. And we need everyone's help."

We all look at her, shocked. The doors fly open and a flash of red comes by and sits in the last chair.

Anna's POV

"Who are you?" I ask, shocked.

Taking gulps of air, the tangled mess of red hair says with a Scottish accent, "Merida."

"Glad you could show up," jack says.

"So what's going on?" Merida asks.

"The man in the moon talked to me last night." Hiccup says. "Two people are are threatening the world."

"Who?" Rapunzel asks.

"Gothel." Hiccup says.

"I though she was dead!" Rapunzel exclaims.

"Well she isn't," hiccup says. "And how she is will make sense in a minute."

"Who's the other threat?" Kristoff asks.

"Someone named pitch black. He can bring people back from the dead, and give horrifying nightmares"

"What?" Jack says. "That can't be right. We defeated him. Twice."

"Well apparently you didn't" hiccup says. "The man in the moon doesn't lie."

"I just can't believe that this is happening again." I say, putting my hands to my face.

Kristoff puts a hand on on my shoulder. "What are you thinking we should do?" He aks.

"We need to fight." Says hiccup.

"We've already tried!" I say.

"Did the man in the moon help you?" Asks hiccup.

"No..." I say.

"Then he's not gone for good." Hiccup says. "The only match for pitch or Gothel is the man in the moon. Not even our team of four can. That's why the man in the moon has told me we are getting two new members. Anna, you went after your sister when she left the kingdom, even though everyone was terrified of her. You gave your life to save her. Elsa, you were willing to leave everything everything behind to keep your sister safe. We need you. We also need everyone else to help us."

Wow. They just keep dropping crazy information on us don't they.

Kristoff's POV

"This is crazy!" I exclaim. "We've never met you people! How can we know you're telling the truth?"

"I know it's insane," says jack. "But trust hiccup. And trust me. If the man in the moon needs you, this must be a very big deal."

"I don't know," says Elsa, " I think we need to think about this."

Anna, Eugene and I nod. Together Anna, Elsa, Eugene and I go to the sitting room to talk things over.

"I believe them." Says Eugene.

We all look over to him.

"They wouldn't lie to us, and they're obviously desperate for our help."

I find myself nodding.

"Are you and Elsa sure you want to be a part of this team though?" I ask Anna.

"Yes," she says, looking to Elsa for aprroval.

We all go back into the war room, and as we sit down, jack, rapunzel, hiccup and Merida look at us hopefully.

"We'll do it." Elsa says. "We'll join your team. It's time pitch goes down for good."

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