Ch. 25

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Elsa's POV

Confused, I ask jack, "what do you mean?"

He looks at me. "Who are you and where am I?"

Looking at his hands and feeling his hair he says, "who am I?"

Anna gasps behind me. My heart begins to pound. This has to be a trick.

"Y-your Jack Frost," I say as calmly as I can.

"What kind of a name is that?" He says.

"Your name." I say. "The best name in the world."

"Do you really not remember?" Kristoff says.

"I'm sorry." Jack says, looking at his feet. I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. Taking William from anna, I show him to jack.

"Don't you at least remember William?" I ask. "He's your nephew. You love to play with him."

I give him to jack, hoping his mini best friend will remind him of everything. Jack looks down at the little prince.

"I'm sorry." He says, shaking his head, "I don't remember."

I finally lose it. "What do you mean you don't remember?!" I yell. "Your the king of arendelle! Your my husband! You were immortal, but became human so we could be together! You love me! Your supposed to be the father of this baby!"

I put his hand to my stomach.

"Please! Please remember!" I sob.

I reach out for him but he pulls away, looking afraid. I sob harder, and Kristoff and anna pull me to them, letting me cry. Jack looks at us all hard.

Jacks POV

I'm so confused. I feel bad for this girl, but I have no idea who she is! And according to her, I'm a king, I'm married to her, and I'm going to be a father? There's something seriously wrong here. But I can't quite put the pieces together.

The blonde man hugging the girl looks at me.

"If you don't remember us, what do you remember?"

Thinking hard, I can't think of anything.

"I don't know." I say. "Nothing really."

"Well do you want to come home with us? Even though it actually is your home?" The red headed girl asks.

I nod. The blonde girl is still crying.

I nod. "Yes" I say.

We head towards wherever they live, and end up in a large castle. I look all around me at the beautiful decorations.

The blonde girl looks at me hopefully.

"Recognize anything?" She asks.

I shake my head. Tears start falling down her face again. They all walk me down to a door.

"You can stay here." The blonde guy says.

I turn. "I'm sorry to ask, but what are your names?"

The blonde guys face softens. "Kristoff," he says.

"I'm anna," says the redhead. "And this is William" she says, pointing to the baby in her arms.

I look to the blonde girl. Crying yet again, she whispers, "I'm Elsa." "

"Goodnight" I tell all of them. I go inside and close the door.

Anna's POV

Elsa continues to cry after jack closes the door. She doesn't say goodnight and goes into her room.

I start to go after her but Kristoff pulls me back.

"Just let her be," he says. As we go past her room we hear her wailing. Kristoff shuts the door to our room. He sighs. "Anna," he says, I know this has been a hard day for Elsa, but what about you? I was sure you must have died, and when we got to you, you looked like you were pretty close to it."

"I guess when I realized Elsa needed help, I forgot about myself. She took care of me and William when we were there. I need to take care of her now."

Kristoff takes William from my arms and gently puts him in his cradle.

William fusses for a moment, but Kristoff rocks the cradle for a few minutes.

When Williams calm, Kristoff comes over and scoops me up, carrying me to bed. I sob as I fall asleep.

Jacks POV

I think hard about the day as I lay in bed. Who are these people? Are they being honest with me? They seem nice.

I like Kristoff and Anna, but Elsa jut seems like a emotional wreck. Then again, she's just pregnant. With my baby apparently.

"Jack," a thought comes to me.

Wait. I didn't think that. Did I?

"Of course not." The voice in my head says. "My name is pitch black. I was killed, but a small part of me lives in you. These people cannot be trusted. They killed me. I will help you. You can trust me."

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