Ch. 19

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Anna's POV

Waking up, I see the sun streaming through my window. I look down at my full moon of a stomach.

"2 more weeks" I whisper to myself.

The bed shifts, and I turn over to see Kristoff still in bed. Shaking him awake, I signal for us to go downstairs for breakfast.

We go into the dining room, where jack, Elsa, and Eugene are already eating breakfast.

"How was the trip here?" Kristoff asks Eugene.

Laughing, Eugene replies, "for me, fine. For rapunzel? Not so much. She was sea sick the entire way."

"Well she is about to have a baby," Elsa says.

"Speaking of rapunzel," I say, "where is she?"

"Still sleeping." Eugene says casually. "She'll probably be up in a little bit."

We eat in silence before a piercing scream fills the room.

Alarmed, I jump. "What is that?" I ask.

Another scream.

"It sounds far away" Elsa says, "almost like it could be coming from the guest wing,"

Eugene's eye get big with realization. "Rapunzel!" He shouts, jumping up from his chair and running from the room.

We all follow closely behind. Well, everyone else follows close. I go as fast as I can, which isn't very quick at all.

When I finally reach rapunzel and Eugene's room, Eugene is holding her hand. She has tears streaming down her face, holding her stomach. Elsa and jack are trying to be encouraging, and Kristoff just looks lost, and like he might faint. The doctor arrives and a maid shoos all of us out of the room.

We wait in the hall in silence. A clock ticks slowly in the background. Kristoff begins to rub my aching back, and I look up at him, smiling in gratitude.

The door finally opens after what seems like a very long time, revealing Eugene.

"Rapunzel and I have a new daughter" he says, smiling.

We all follow him into the room, where rapunzel sits in bed, looking exhausted and thrilled. In her arms, she holds a small pink wrapped bundle.

Kristoff's POV

We all take turns holding rapunzel and Eugene's baby. She's so small, I can't help but wonder if me and Anna's baby will be this tiny.

I glance at Anna, who is glowing while holding the baby that is now named Coralynn. She's probably thinking about being able to hold her own baby.

When rapunzel falls asleep, we leave her, Eugene and their new daughter to themselves for a while. Jack, Elsa, anna and I all head to the parlor to sit and talk for a bit.

The sky is glittering with stars outside, and we admire them for a while. Anna breaks the silence.

"Well this is unusual," she says. We all look at her in confusion.

"Rapunzel had a baby today, mine is coming any time now, and Elsa found out she's expecting two days ago." She explains. "Last time I checked, that doesn't happen everyday!"

I laugh a bit. Only Anna would think to bring that up. That does start a conversation about having children and parenting however, and we talk for another hour. I laugh at a story Elsa tells about a neighboring country who's king and queen have 7 mischievous children, and see Anna curled up beside me, fast asleep.

"I guess that wraps things up for tonight" I say. "Goodnight."

I scoop up anna and carry her up the stairs and into our room. Putting her carefully in bed, I go change and climb in next to her.

She begins to snore quietly. Laughing and shaking my head, I put a pillow over my head to block the noise, and fall asleep.

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