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Anna's POV

I run through the ballroom where our reception is being held and go straight to the chocolate. Some people widen their eyes at me as I shove chocolate into my mouth, but hey, it's my wedding! Someone must have complained, because Elsa and rapunzel drag me away.

"Anna!" Rapunzel says. "Your a mess!"

I look in the mirror and can't help but laugh. There is chocolate all over my face and even in my hair. It miraculously missed my dress however.

When I'm all cleaned up, we go back out into the ballroom and talk with guests. Within minutes, a waltz is playing, and Kristoff crosses the floor to take my hand.

"May I have this dance m'lady?" He asks and bows dramatically. I giggle.

"Of course!" I reply. We waltz out onto the floor and whirl around.

"Anna?" Kristoff asks as we dance. "Will you be happy being married to me?" This takes me by surprise.

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" I ask. "Your the only man I'd ever want to be with!"

"Because I'm me," he replies. At my puzzled look, he continues by saying, "I'm a rough mountain man with no class, no money, no nothing. Your gaining nothing by marrying me." My heart breaks hearing him say things like that.

"Kristoff," I say, titling his chin to look at me. "I love you the way you are. Mountain man and all! I'm gaining so much by being married to you."

"And what's that?" He says glumly.

"You," I say, smiling.

At this he tilts my head up and kisses me in the middle of the ballroom. Kissing Kristoff always makes my knees go weak, and makes my heart race, which is exactly what's happening right now.

When we pull away I smile at him and take his hand so we can go for a walk in the gardens. After the reception we head up to my room, and I fall asleep in his arms.

Kristoff's POV

I wake up with Anna curled up next to me. I smile. Her hair is all over the place, and she's drooling on her pillow, But she still beautiful.

I carefully get up so I don't wake her and get dressed. My movement around the room wakes her up, so she sits up and smiles at me.

"Morning" she says, getting up.

"Morning," I say back, kissing her cheek.

"Hungry?" I ask. Anna laughs a bit.

"Ya," she says. I take her hand and we go down to breakfast.

---2 weeks later------------------

Anna's POV

I finish the book I've been reading and sigh. A perfect ending. I head towards the gates to walk through town. Kristoff is up in the mountains, harvesting ice, even though he doesn't have to anymore. He says it keeps him connected to his past, and I respect that.

Villagers come say hello to me, and I chat with them. I head back to the castle earlier than usual though, feeling tired.

"Anna," Elsa asks as I come through the doors. "Are you alright?"

"Ya," I reply. "Just tired."

Elsa gives me a strange look but doesn't say anything else. I head up to my room and fall asleep, waking up when I hear Kristoff come into our room.

"Hey," he says softly. "You sleeping?"

"Not anymore," I whisper. "What time is it?"

"Pretty late," he replies. "You go back to sleep, I'm going to change and then I'll come to bed too."

I smile and close my eyes again. The bed shifts as Kristoff lays down. I snuggle up close to him.

"I love you Anna," he says, kissing my hair.

"I love you Kristoff," I tell him.

When I wake up, The sun is out, and Kristoff is no longer next to me. I get out of bed and go to the mirror. My nightgown is flowy, which will hide me well. I need to find some more flowy dresses to wear until I can tell Kristoff.

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