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Elsa's POV

I finish packing up my stuff for the weekend and say goodbye to anna and Kristoff, heading out the gates. I practically skip all the way to my castle; I get to see jack!

When I get there, I see jack up on the balcony, waiting for me. I run up to meet him. Jumping into his waiting arms, he hugs me.

"I've missed you," I say into his shoulder.

"I've missed you too" he says into my hair. He pulls away from our embrace and looks at me. "So what do you want to do?" He asks.

"Well," I say, "I've got a few ideas."

I turn my back to him and create a big snowball. I turn my head and laugh at his puzzled expression. I turn completely around and throw it at him. As the snow explodes in his face I laugh. He then conjures a snowball even larger than mine, and throws it at me. That starts a giant snowball fight that lasts for hours. By the time we collapse from exhaustion in the snow, there's at least 3 feet of snow on the floor, forts are in every corner of the room, and a small army of olafs against the wall.

"Well that was fun," he says out of breath.

"Ya," I say laughing. He sits up, and I laugh even harder. He's covered head to toe in snow.

Jacks POV

As she laughs at me, I say "hey hey I know I look like a wreck, but you don't look so good yourself!"

Like me, she's completely covered in snow. I give her a mirror and watch as she gapes at her horrifying reflection. Laughing, I help her brush the snow out of her hair. When were both clean, we go out onto her balcony to watch the sun set. My heart races as she rests her head on my shoulder. The moment is perfect.

"Jack?" She asks. "Why are we doing this, if someday I'll die, and you'll be here forever?"

Perfect. This is the best possible moment to tell her what I've been thinking.

"Well," I start, turning her to face me. "I've been actually thinking about that a lot lately. I'm going to ask the man in the moon," Is she going to like the idea? "If I can become mortal."

Elsa's face is one of confusion and awe.

Why would you do that?" She asks.

"Because I want to be with the one I love for the rest of my life, which means my life has to end."

"Jack I can't let you do that" Elsa starts, but I stop her by kissing her. Every time she tries to pull away to protest, I kiss her again. She finally gives up and puts her arms around my neck. When we pull away, I put my arm around her waist and pull her close, and together we watch the sun set.

It soon gets dark and we go inside. I lay with her in her bed as she falls asleep. I try to sleep too, but can't. The full moon is shining bright through Elsa's window, and I get up, careful not to wake Elsa up. I go out onto her balcony, and stare at the moon. Maybe nows a good a time to ask as ever. I take a deep breath.

"I need your help," I say to it. "I need to become mortal to be with the girl I love, so I was wondering if you could make me mortal." The moon shines. Nothing.

"Please." I say. "Gee thanks a lot". I give up and decide I'll just have to try again tomorrow. I lay back down next to Elsa, and fall asleep.

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