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Kristoff's POV

"C'mon Sven, faster" I say.

Sven and I have been up in the mountains all day harvesting ice, and now were running late getting home, which will drive Anna insane.

As we approach the castle, I quietly put Sven away and sneak into the castle. No need to make Anna upset if she doesn't even know I was late.

"What is it with her lately?" I think. "She's always sleeping, and super tense all the time now. It's not like her."

I almost make it to the bedroom, before running into Anna in the hallway.

"Where have you been?!" She exclaims.

"Mountains." I simply reply.

"I thought you got lost and died or something!" She screeches, then begins to cry. "Don't ever do that again!" She sobs.

I pull her into my arms and let her cry. Why is she so emotional? She won't let go of me, so I finally just scoop her up and put her in bed, only being aloud to leave so I can change after promising anna I'll only be a second. When I return, I hear her breathing steadily; she fell asleep. I climb into bed next to her and drift off too.

The next morning, I wake up to find Anna sleeping on the very edge of the bed, about to fall off. As she starts to roll over, I hurry and grab her, and pull her back to the center of the bed. She doesn't wake up.

Laying on her back, it almost seems like her stomach is a bit bigger than usual, but it's probably just my imagination. Finally, I shake her awake, and we go downstairs for breakfast.

Anna's POV

As we go downstairs, I suddenly have a craving for strawberries, even though I hate strawberries. I start shoving them into my mouth and see Elsa and Kristoff eyeing me strangely.

"Anna, you hate strawberries," Elsa says. Between bites, I say,

"well they just sounded good this morning!"

"Anna what's wrong?" Kristoff asks.

"Nothing!" I say.

"Uh huh." Kristoff rolls his eyes. "You're always sleeping, your super emotional, you cry over nothing, your eating a food you hate, something is obviously not normal." He sits back and waits for an explanation.

Elsa looks at me, her eyes saying that it's now or never.

"Augh" I exclaim. "Fine. Um, so kristoff, you see, there's a reason I've been acting this way. Um, well see," I look to Elsa for help, but all I get is a nod of encouragement.

"Um see what?" Kristoff asks impatiently. I take a deep breath and say the words I didn't want to say at that moment.

"Kristoff I'm pregnant." Kristoff's eyes get huge, and he just stares at me for a moment. I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Kristoff's POV

"She's pregnant? What? This is crazy! I'm not ready to be a dad yet! What if I mess it up? What if the baby hates me? Then anna will hate me!"

All these thoughts are rushing through my head, but maybe I can do this. Maybe I can be a good father, if I really try. Anna looks at me, worried.

Finally I speak up. "So I guess We get to become parents!" I say.

Anna looks relieved. "Your not mad?" She asks.

"Why would I be?" I say, and I mean it too. Besides, Becoming a parent will be fun!

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