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3 months later:

Elsa's POV:

I look up at the man in the moon, as the final grains of the black dust that is pitch disintegrates. He's really gone now. Forever.

The silence takes over, and I look at everyone in the bright moonlight. Jack puts his arm around me, and I smile.

"Wow." Merida says.

We all embrace in a hug, and decide to go back to arendelle. We arrive as the sun is rising, and go inside.

As soon as we return, hiccup says his goodbyes.

"I have a wedding to get to," he says.

I almost forgot about him and astrid getting married! She's not going to be happy that he's showing up a day before the wedding.

He takes off on toothless, and Merida soon follows suit. I embrace her, knowing this won't be the end. Coralynn toddles into the room, a maid following while supporting William so he can walk too. He hasn't quite figured it out yet. The family of three boards their ship and begins their journey back to corana.

All that's left is me, anna, jack, and Kristoff. We hug one more time, and begin our work to put everything back in order.

----5 months later-------

I open my arms, embracing Merida. "I've missed you!" She exclaims, before hugging the others.

She joins he rest of us in the sitting room. Kristoff and anna sit on a loveseat, anna rubbing her stomach. She hasn't said anything yet, but I'm fairly sure she's expecting again.

Rapunzel and Eugene sit across from them and next to jack and I, keeping a close eye on Coralynn and William who are playing with blocks on the floor.

Astrid and hiccup look comfortable on the sofa next to Kristoff and anna, with astrids stomach floating like a full moon in front of her. She's eight months pregnant. We found out only a week after her and hiccup were married.

And Merida sits in the arm chair, not looking uncomfortable like she used to. She found a archer in dumbroch that she's finally fallen in love with.

As for jack and me, we are the proud rulers of arendelle, and even prouder parents. I look down at sweet little Ella sitting on my lap, and know, I'll have lots of stories to tell her when she grows up, about love, loss, life, death, sacrifice, and bravery. She creates a snowflake and I blow it away, making her laugh. I look around the room at my friends, no, my family, laughing and talking with one another. Maybe I'll wait to start telling her stories, because maybe the best one, is just beginning.


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