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Jack's POV

I open my eyes to the sun streaming through my window. I look over to Elsa's side of the bed, expecting to see her sleeping. She's not there.

As I sit up, something falls from my chest. A letter. I open it, read it, and throw it across the room.

"Are you kidding me?" I say to myself," she actually thought it was a good idea to go out there?"

I run my hands through my hair, knowing I have to notify Kristoff.

I quietly go down to the parlor, where he still sleeps soundly, with a quiet sob coming every now and then.

Shaking him awake, I say, "Kristoff we have to go."

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. He's a wreck, and emotionally unstable, but he's the only person I trust to come with me.

I drag him along, forcing him onto his horse. We ride for hours, looking for clues. Nothing. Kristoff by this time has started to talk again, and points out a cave up the mountain that has ice surrounding the mouth.

We start to dismiss it, then realize only Elsa can create that kind of power. We race to the top, not knowing what's waiting for us up there.

Elsa's POV

I wake up in a dimly lit cave, chained to a wall. What happened? I look at my surroundings and gasp.

Anna is laying on the floor next to me, with William on her chest. Her breathing is ragged.

I pick up William. He seems happy enough right now. I pull anna closer to me, and sit like that for hours.

Pitch unlocks the door and enters.

"Elsa, Elsa, Elsa." He says, clicking his tongue. "What are we going to do with you?"

I give him my most defiant look, but it falters.

"You know" he continues, "if you had just stayed put in arendelle, you wouldn't be a part of this mess. But you felt that you just had to didn't you?" Footsteps echo through the cave as Kristoff and jack burst in.

"Jack!" I shriek!

Maybe we'll be ok!

Jack begins to battle pitch. They move out of sight, and I can't move due to the dead weight of anna laying on me.

In the time since I've woken up, she's progressively gotten worse. She's dying.

Kristoff unlocks the door and rushes to Anna's side. Gently shaking her, her eyelids flutter open. Seeing Kristoff, she begins to cry, which makes Kristoff cry. Despite their tears, they begin to kiss, mumbling things to eachother each time they pull apart.

Anna finally pulls away and looks to me. Well, looks to my arms. William lays there, sleeping soundly. She takes him from me, and begins to rock him slowly. Kristoff pulls her onto his lap, and I watch as the little family cuddles up together.

I hear a loud crash, which wakes me up from my little daydream. Pitch and jack come back into view, and they both look exhausted.

I notice jack starting to give in a bit. I hold my breath, trying to keep faith in him. My faith doesn't last long.

He gets distracted for a moment, and pitch takes the opportunity to strike him with a dart.

Jack falls to the ground. His hair turns black, his eyes gold. He lays motionless on the floor.

Kristoff tears it out of him and thrusts it into pitch, causing him to disintegrate.

I begin to sob. What was I thinking, coming up here? Jack begins to stir.

Hope wells up inside me. He stands up, and looks at me.

"Jack?" I whisper.

He squints his eyes at me, as if trying to remember something. He begins to look confused.

"Who are you?" He asks.

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