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Anna's POV

I put one final pin in my hair before stepping back to see the final look. I'm wearing the dress from Elsa's coronation, and have pulled my hair up into an elaborate braid.

"Anna are you ready?" Elsa calls through the door. "Kristoff's waiting downstairs!"

"Just a minute Elsa!" I call back. I'm still a little bit upset with Kristoff from earlier, since I thought he was finally going to propose, but I won't let that spoil my night. I open the door to Elsa, and she extends her hand to me.

"Let's go see your Prince Charming," she says.

Kristoff's POV

"Where is she?" I think to myself. "Is she still mad about earlier? Maybe I should-" my thoughts are cut off as anna and Elsa are announced.

Elsa enters first, looking stunning as usual, and anna comes in shortly afterward. I forget how to breathe. She looks absolutely beautiful. She walks up to me.

"Hey handsome," she says.

"You looks amazing!" I exclaim. I think for a moment. I want to propose tonight, but how can I with her looking so perfect? Will she even say yes? "Stop it," I think to myself. "You can do this."

"Anna, I say out loud. "Do you want to take a walk in the gardens?"

Anna's POV

"Sure!" I say.

Kristoff takes my hand an we weave through the massive crowd outside to the gardens. We sit down next to the fountain in the rose garden. Kristoff sits silently lost in his thoughts. Will he do it? Will he finally propose?

"Beautiful night huh?" I finally say, breaking the silence.

"Definently," says Kristoff awkwardly. I'm about to suggest that we go back inside when he takes my hands in his and begins talking very fast.

"Ok anna I've been thinking about us a lot lately, and I've realized how much I love you. And before I was nervous, but now I'm not... I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?" He asks, closing his eyes, expecting the worse.

"Yes!" I shriek.

"Yes?" He asks, surprised.

"Absolutely!" I shout, pulling his face to mine. When we pull away, Kristoff gets a nervous look on his face.

"I guess we have to tell Elsa huh?" He says.

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