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Elsa's POV

I wake up the next morning, tense and sore. Jack is still sleeping soundly beside me, and a fire is crackling in the fireplace. Astrid opens the door.

"Rise and shine!" She says brightly.

I rub my eyes and sit up, and jack rolls over, stuffing a pillow over his head. I'm glad I didn't tell jack what was going on yesterday. I thought I was having a few contractions, but they're gone now. I'm only 7 months along too, they probably weren't even contractions. Although, I'm as big as anna was when she was 9 months... Hmm...

"Stop it" I tell myself.

I'm overthinking things. I stand up and put on a warm dress. Astrid was dusted with snow when she came in, so it must be snowing, even though it's only September.

Astrid leaves, and jack opens his eyes.

"Morning," I say.

"Morning," he says groggily, looking around the room. "Hey," he asks. "What was wrong with you yesterday?"

My back is turned to him, and I close my eyes.

"Um, nothing," I say. "I just fell and was hurting a bit from it."

Jack gets up and comes over to me. "Are you ok?" He asks. "You didn't fall on your stomach did you? That could hurt the baby." He bought it.

"No." I say. "I hit my shoulder. But I'm fine now, really."

He sighs with relief.

"I've never been here before," I say. "Let's tour the island today."

Hiccups POV

Astrid and I spend the day playing with toothless, walking around, and just spending time together.

The sun begins to set, and I leave astrid for a moment. I run into my house and rummage through my drawers to find what I've been saving. I come bak to her, and we walk through the snow to the docks.

I pull her close, and we watch the sun dance across the water.

"This is beautiful," astrid sighs.

I laugh nervously. I push her to arms length.

"Astrid," I say. "I uh, I'm not good at this,"

Astrid laughs.

"Um, well I love you, and I don't want anyone else to take you from me." I say, and then I start to babble on about things that don't even make sense.

Astrid smiles and slugs me in the arm lightly.

"Focus hiccup," she says.

"Right," I say, taking a deep breath. "Will you, marry, me?" I ask, closing my eyes.

I don't know what to expect, but when I hear her squeal and feel her press her mouth to mine, I'm assuming her answer is yes.

She pulls away, and we walk back to the village to tell everyone the news.

Jacks POV

Astrid and hiccup walk into the village as Elsa and I are talking to Valka. Astrid is glowing, and hiccup looks proud of himself. I know exactly what just happened. Astrid bursts.

"Hiccup and I are getting married!" She squeals. I haven't known her for very long, but this seems a bit out of character for her. She's just happy though. We all start to congratulate them when I hear the moon in my head.

"You're not finished yet." It says. "Pitch is on his way. Be ready." The vision ends and I come back to reality.

"Pitch is coming." I say. "Now."

"Didn't you guys just defeat him?," astrid asks.

"No." Replies hiccup. "That was just his army. Now he's coming for us himself."

10 minutes later we all are waiting on a cliff high up in berk. Elsa is tensing again in my arms as we sit on the edge. Is her shoulder acting up again? Were still waiting a few hours later, and Elsa looks miserable.

"Is your shoulder hurting?" I ask her.

"Uh ya." She replies. "But I'm fine."

Rapunzel looks over the edge and shudders, Eugene holding her close. A laugh rings out. Not a good, happy laugh, an evil, horrid laugh.

I grip my staff tight, and look around. Pitch and Gothel appear, looking grim and Ready to fight. Pitch and Gothel split apart, running to separate sides of the cliff.

"Split up!" Yells Elsa.

Anna, Kristoff, hiccup and astrid take on Gothel, so Elsa, Eugene, rapunzel, Merida and I go for pitch. I smile at Elsa as she freezes pitches feet to the ground. She's amazing. I sigh, distracted, until Merida screams at me.

"Jack pay attention!" She shrieks.

I pull myself back and swing my staff, hitting pitch in the back of his head.

Elsa's POV

Jack gives pitch a good blow, and I smile. It falters when I feel the pain again. Merida gives me a funny look, but keeps fighting. I keep fighting for a few more minutes, then feel something wet.

I look down and behind me. A mixture of watery blood is trailed in the snow.

"Oh no" I think. "Not now." I duck behind a boulder and rip part of my dress to stop the bleeding. Jumping back up, I find Merida on the other side of the boulder.

"You need to tell jack." She says.

"No," I say. "I can wait until this is over."

"I'm pretty sure your baby isn't going to wait for you to finish fighting" she says.

I push past her and back to jack and the others. The pains are getting worse, but I push through them, continuing the fight.

I feel the blood water again. It must have soaked through. Rapunzel, Merida and Eugene are keeping pitch busy, so I start to sneak away again. I get about 10 feet away from pitch and the others when jack comes up to me.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Great!" I say, obviously too perky.

Jack looks at my hands, red from trying to get blood off my legs. His eyebrows raise, and he looks my dress, then to the ground. His eyes follow the pinkish red trail to my feet.

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