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Jacks POV

"Me?" I ask, scared.

"Yes" the doctor replies.

He opens the door wider and motions for me to come in. Our room is dark, the only light coming from a few candles. I see Elsa in our bed, sleeping.

"Will she be alright?" I ask. The doctors stern face goes calm.

"Yes," he says. "She will be fine. She's just weak because it'll be very powerful, just like her."

"What will be powerful?" I ask.

"Oh yes. The most important part. Congratulations Jack."

"Why?" I ask, still confused."

"You're going to be a father." He says.

"Oh that's all" I think to myself. "I'm gonna be a father. Wait. I'm going to be a father."

"She's pregnant?" I ask, shocked.

"Yes," the doctor says. "That baby will be extremely powerful, either equal, or more than Elsa."

I take all this in. Elsa is pregnant. I'm going to be a father. The baby will be extremely powerful. Wow.

Anna's POV

Sobbing for my sister, I wail into Kristoff's shirt. She could be dying for all I know! Kristoff rubs my back and tries to comfort me.

Elsa and jacks bedroom door opens. Jack emerges, his face unreadable. We all stay silent for a moment. I can't take it anymore.

Jumping up, I shout, "what's wrong with Elsa?!"

Jack smiles. "She's fine. I have some news to tell you though."

We all hold our breath, wondering what news he could possibly have to tell us at a time like this.

"Elsa is having a baby." The silence of the hall is broken, and the staff begins to laugh and cheer. Kristoff congratulates jack.

I am stunned. I try to push past jack and into the room, but Kristoff won't let me.

"Anna," he says, "what's wrong?"

Finally smiling, I realize nothing's wrong with this. This is the happiest news in the world.

"Nothing" I say, hugging Kristoff. "Nothing."

Elsa's POV

Everything starts to come into focus. I'm in my room, in bed. How long have I been here? I start to get up, but feel dizzy as I try to do so. I lay back down, the door opens, and jack comes in.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me carefully.

"A little dizzy, but fine" I reply.

Coming to sit next to me on our bed, jack says "the doctor came to check you out and see what was wrong."

I give him a sideways glance. "What's wrong with me?" I ask.

Breaking into a grin, he simply says "nothing."

"So why don't I feel okay?" I ask.

"That's the best part," he says, "we're having a baby." My eye grow big.

"A what?" I ask, looking at my stomach.

"A baby." He says again. I smile.

"A baby." I repeat.

"You know why your so weak from it?" He asks.

"Why?" I say.

"It's powerful," he says. "Very powerful."

Grinning, I throw my arms around him and hug him tight. The door again opens, and Kristoff and anna come in.

"Hi," anna says.

"Hi," I reply.

"Did jack tell you the news?" Kristoff asks.

"Yes" I reply.

"Are you excited?" Anna asks.

Looking up at jack, who's smiling ear to ear, I reply, "I'm thrilled."

And I mean it.

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