Chap 17: Are you jealous ?

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In my dreams she is real life she is just a dream


Play this song 'win my love" by The Weeknd.

I unlocked my office happily as it seemed only two days remaining to the big party. I can't avoid grinning to myself everytime a day ends. I'm anxious than the rest cause it seemed so normal to them, but not to me.

I've attended several college parties but this is much different since it is being held by a famous guy who is rich and had invited his other famous friends.

I shook the thoughts away and opened the door entering. What I saw shocked me. No.. no.. no this can't be my office. I closed my eyes and sighed before opening them again. Damn, nothing changed and I was scared. Who did this and how did he or she get my key ?


I walked closer and you can't believe this, my table was sweetly decorated all round with flowers red and white. A card was placed at the center and I was hesistant to take it. I averted my gaze to my chair which was beautified the same way as the table but the difference was that at the center of the chair a beautiful necklace was nicely placed.

I became nervous and my heartbeat rate rose faster. My hands were all sweating as I slowly brought them forward to take the necklace. My body shook faster and I stopped cursing myself for being such an idiot.

I did my breathing exercise for a few seconds to calm my shaking body. The only question I had is 'who did this ?'

I stared at the table and chair and wondered what I should touch first. I decided to take the card to see who sent it.

From Kevin

Damn! I wasn't mad but I would be more excited if it was a certain guy. It would be a dream anyway but I decided to smile cause honestly this was romantic. I didn't get time to read the whole letter as I heard somebody cough announcing his presence.

I shot my head to see him, my boss glaring at me.

"What's that you are holding ?" He spat coming closer to my office.

"Doesn't concern you ," I mumbled innocently to avoid causing a scene.

He checked around my room and I just stood there as he came more closer to see the flowers covering everywhere.

"This is uncomely, " he smirked and I knew that was his way of hurting me.

"Yeah, it's beautiful, " I responded looking at him. Don't forget his cologne was covering my nostrils and beckoning me. My heart never cease to amaze me , it always misses him no matter what.

"I said it's ugly, " he repeat again thinking I didn't understand his words.

"I know, maybe I've taught myself to take your insult as a compliment, " I smirked back. Our game is sweet to play and it would be awsome to spectate. He glared at me angrily as I stood still ignoring my body that was craving to be touched by him. I faked my angry eyes too but in real sense I was checking his cuteness which was getting irrestistable every minute.

"You are such a stuborn lady, " he said coming closer to me and I stepped back abit. I didn't want to tempt my fucking weak body. He stretched his hand to take the necklace but I quickly picked it making him look at me pissed.

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