Chap 26: I rather be with you

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For you , I maybe just one person, but for me you are the world.


(I tried finding any sweet song for this chapter but boom I could not find any. I wasn't listening at any song either. Gross.)

"Ready ?" My boss ask spotting a tantalizing smile that brings this amazing feeling in me. I'm gonna pee in my pants today. I smiled back but the nervousness was easy to note.

"Yea, " I replied standing and following him. It gonna be an amazing lunch. How I will fucking behave is what I  don't know.

We stepped in the damn elavator and it felt as if we were riding to heaven. A sweet feeling run through my nerves making my lips twitch in an automatic smile. His right hand was slightly touching my left hand and I felt like holding it and letting him squezze my palm. I'm more than a pervert I know.

We walked to the car and something was different. It wasn't the company's car as I expected. To my surprise he took the drivers seat telling me to get in the car quickly.

Geez! He was to drive me ? I did as instructed and immediately he drove away.

"Sorry for that, I just wanted us to be away quickly before people would see us, " he said  taking my hand and kissed my palm. "We should be cautious you know, " he tried to make me understand. I obviously knew what he meant and I wasn't mad at all.

"Yeah, we should, " I replied thinking of many things that would make us not free.

His fiancé, the paparazzi and me of course. No one would believe that we are actually this close.

"Should I ... You know.."he trailed of snapping me. He was bringing his left hand to my hand.

"You can, " I said blushing as he took my hand and intertwined them. It was hot of him to do it and my heart was doing several shits by now. I had to concentrate and ignore my cheeks that were turning extremely hot faster.  Im so obsessed of course and I can't fucking undo it, I'm not interested in lettig the feeling go either. It rather bring shit to me than letting it away.

"You're so quiet, " he noted driving away from the town.

"I always get tongue tied around you, " I confessed as a matter of fact. I can't lie anyway.

"Really ?" He ask saving a glance at me.

"Yeah, " I say rolling my eyes.

"Another way of saying that I make you nervous ?" He got it right.

"Maybe, " I softly said feeling nervous already. This man gonna be the end of me.

"I love that, " he smiled as I just hummed in response. He had this huge effect on me, I didn't know how to deal with the whole thing. It was cool and it felt safer to have the feelings towards him yet it made me uneasy at times.

We went silent again as he drove away from town. I thought we were going to take lunch.

"Are you sure we are going to a restaurant ?" I ask as the ride became longer and longer.

"You will love the place I'm taking you, you know it won't be safer if we just end up in a big hotel at this big Nairobi city ?"

"Oh, I see."

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