Chap 25: I like your lips

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I will always miss you, even when I'm mad at you.


Play this song as you read "wrecking ball' by Miley Cyrus

I took the necklace and looked at it carefully. It's beautiful and I liked it , not the one who gave it to me, get that right. I wanted to carry it in my bag today incase we happen to meet with Kevin thus I threw it on my bag ready to go.

I walked out of my room to see my mom watching cartoons and I just laughed cause she really deserved to be laughed at.

"Mom , are you serious ?" I ask arching my eyebrows.

"I'm off the whole day and I don't know what else to watch, " she said smiling. She has many things to watch but she doesnt like watching, not even news.

"You can find another channel or watch  a movie, you aren't old yet, " I remarked as she rolled her eyes.

"You know I don't like hearing news of famous people only, it's boring to stay glued at the screen just to watch at  a famous guys' wedding, I mean many of them don't know the meaning of marriage leave alone knowing what love is, " my heart sank. I'm doing exactly what she hates. She has been telling me that since I was a small kid. I've never quite understood why she hate them so much.

"I want to become a famous lady after releasing my first song, so you mean you won't watch me either ?" I whined like a kid. She laughed and looked at me.

"I will , you will change my attitudes towards those guys, but take care my daughter, " she adviced smiling.

"I will mom, bye, " I hugged her and left. I can't wait to come back and meet mom at home. It's the best feeling ever.

I walked to the gate and to my surprise a car was parked and a guy leaning on it. This person is really overdoing things. He doesn't have to do all of this to win me.

"How is you ? " he greeted casually.

"Fine, " I answered pasting a smile.

"You look gorgeous, " he said as we both stood and stared at each other. He always has the right words to say but they never trigor anything in me. Worse I know.

"Kevin, you don't have to do this ? "I said meaning it. I don't want him to bother himself everyday to come and pick me.

"I just feel like doing it, it doesn't cost me, okay ?"

"Ask me before you do it next time ," I said in finality unlocking the passenger door. He stood outside and I knew I had hurt him. I removed the necklace and wore it hurriedly. Few seconds later he opened the door and entered.

I tapped his hand and showed him the necklace.

"It's beautiful, I like it, " I said smiling earning a smile back. It's always easy to trick a boy who has  a huge crush for you, like Kevin. I knew that was a wrong  thing to do cause I took advantage of him.

He drove slowly as both of us sank in our own wild thoughts. I just have to remove this necklace immediately I step from this car.

Few minutes later we arrived at this place that had taught me thousands things in a span of two months. It's like my life has really changed for good and all I have to do is follow it to whichever place it is taking me to.

I thanked him and left going to my office.

Damn! My boss was already there. I don't know what I felt but my heart always beat faster. His presence brings this warmth and all I feel is hot and wanting, well wanting a hug maybe.

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